I know many of us have been delighted to discover kindred spirits among the Dopers of the SDMB. I didn’t start this to be another “who’s your friend” poll or “who is your board crush” poll. Rather, is there someone who you can always count on to gravitate to the same threads you do? And post the same things you would post?
My soulmate in this regard would have to be scout1222. I know I can always, always count on her to be in one of the lieu or Billy Rubin TMI threads–which are threads which I always hop into to eagerly. I’ve seen her in other TMI threads, too, always posting the kinds of things that make me know she is my TMI soul sister.
I don’t know that we’ve interacted much outside of those threads, but scout, hats off to you and your great taste in threads.
And the rest of you? Got anyone like that in your board life?
And I’d have to say, that I’m glad Billy Rubin posted his story today in the Pit. I actually printed it out to show someone later on, because I was literally laughing out loud.
Gosh, I’m so honored. I think I might be blushing.
Oh, and I should add that Stoid tends to be involved in lots of threads that I find interesting over in GD. (I never participate, but I definitely read) I find that there are many times when she’s defending the same position I might take.
I also know that when I pop into an exercise/nutrition thread, ultrafilter is also bound to show up. Hiya!
VDarlin, tarragon918, and I have some things in common. I haven’t “seen” them in a while, but I’m sure they’ll turn up when the cybervortex sends us back together.
NoClueBoy seems to follow me around. Or I follow him around. Or we’re just locked into a circle.
Dread Pirate Jimbo and I always seem to be in the same threads together. Probably because we shout at each other from across the hallway to go check some new, interesting thread out.
(Other posters I always check out - Tuckerfan, bernse, and CRorex - cause there’s always a chance he’ll talk about his monkeys some more. Oh yeah, and **Shirley Ujest[b/], cause she’s my birthday sister.)
Well, I’d say fizzy, except a lot of her posts in threads I post in are actually me when I don’t notice she’s logged in:D
And gobear and matt both post way too much in CS and GD to match my posting tendencies. However, as I recently noted in MPSIMS (somewhere), clayton_e and I tend to show up in, and read (based on some of the posts where he referenced them. Again, somewhere:)), most of the same threads.
I don’t know that I’ve actually interacted with him, but I have noticed that Drastic seems to have gotten the same model brain as me, except he’s better with the eloquence, the bastard.
My soulmate in general is <b>ava</b>. Actually, a lot of the time we post together in that she’ll be writing something, I’ll make a comment and she’ll toss that in, and vice versa. So when you see either of us post, it’s like getting both at once.