Do you know anything about personal organizers?

I’ve seen signs posted on the highway, advertising the services of professional organizers. You know, the folks who come into your house and advise you on how to organize all your stuff. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around here who does this, so I was wondering about them.

How much do they charge? Do they charge by the job or by the hour? Is there any kind of continuing education (college courses, etc.) that would be applicable to this profession? Have you, personally, ever used one? Do you know someone who has? Would you consider using one?

I love having a collective bunch of brains to pick all in one place!

A friend of mine is self-employed as a professional organizer. Here are the organizations/ certifications she lists

Member NAPO - National Association of Professional Organizers

Member NSGCD - National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization

PTAC - Productivity Trainer and Authorized Consultant - Paper Tiger Software

POWR - Professional Organizers Web Ring

I’ve heard some of her presentations but have never actually used her services.