Do you shave/wax your butt crack?

You heard me. How else do you think all those porn stars get a clean crack?

So, what’s the proper technique? Is there a special position that you use?

I get mine waxed when I go in to do my under-arms - I sugar my bikini line and legs myself but I can’t do those kinds of contortions. If I’m in a hurry I use bikini-area Nair - you’re not supposed to and I wouldn’t recommend anyone else try it, but I’ve never had any adverse reactions.

:eek: Wax one’s butt crack?!!

Just when you thought the Internet couldn’t get any weirder…


Takes care of all my manscaping.

Thank you, Chasing Dreams, this is the question I have long wanted the answer to but have been long embarassed to ask. I have the Amazon forest sprouting from my arse and the itching drives me insane. Ms Schwartz has offered to pluck it for me, but I don’t think I could put her through that. I greatly appreciate any input.

Sgt Schwartz

This is too funny!

I only know ONE thing about it, and that is: Don’t use Nair!!! :eek:

And, the only reason I know that is that a friend made the mistake of doing that, and apparently, it is not made for the tender flesh in that region, unfortunately for her…it did, however, make for a very funny story to be told at a girl’s get-together!!! Her nickname for the night was “Monkeybutt.”

I use a chair and a mirror. Trust me, after doing that, you will have no illusions about your body.

But for the less adventurerus, try getting it done at the salon. They have all the right stuff, make it fast, and do all the gross stuff for you.

I stand corrected. Evidently there is a place for this.

“Manscaping.” Hee.

This was discussed a while ago.
Can’t remember the thread and no time to search for it so my apologies and gratitude to to whoever it was that drew my attention to the following link -

Do not ever shave your butt crack

It could be wrong, of course, but after reading that I am never going to experiment.

“Manscaping” on the other hand…

Okay, dammit- when I am trimming the pubic hair, I also shave the, um, outer-lips area of the hey-hey and around the clit area (wouldn’t want the hubby to feel unwelcome!). I have also shaved the buttcrack area- who wants a hairy buttcrack?

Let’s face it- we all want to look great naked, and an overly hairy down under is kinda gross.

My husband manscapes, but only his chest and back. Nothing like David Beckham- he apparently coined the waxing phrase “back, sack and crack!”

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

That’s hilarious; brought tears to my eyes.


Wow. Any other strange dreams you are chasing?

Up to this point, I never consciously knew I had hair down in No Mans Land.

I’m guessing anything you do will require assistance…

Congratulations! You win the Official IMHO I Dug Through This Pile Of Horse Turds And Actually Found A Pony trophy. :smiley:

I bet dealing with your butt crack is just like dealing with your armpits. You just gotta get use to it. The first time around might be weird or irritating but your body will adapt to the lack of hair. I don’t notice any itching when my shaved hair comes back.

Do you get it waxed standing up, sitting down or lying on a table? Is it just one big rip?

"Down dog!

On a table. Usually it takes about four applications, two to a side, and another two a little lower if my DIY job missed a spot.

hmmmm. wonder if women could use that too…

I pay attention to detail. These things just pop into my head.

I shave my ass hair every week and I’ve never had a problem with friction or sweat or any discomfort. I think that as long as you’re not fat, you’ll be just fine.