I find him hilarious. Have watched Tosh.0 for the past 5-6 years. He holds no punches against any race, gender, stereotype, etc.
I lean towards him being funny. Like most comedians some of his stuff falls flat, IMO, but mostly funny.
He says, “B-Hole” a lot.
Sometimes. He tries too hard and laughs at his own stupid jokes, but he does have some great zingers.
Sometimes. I haven’t watched Tosh.0 for a few years – I liked it the first season or two, but then it got too repetitive and disgusting for me (not that I judge anyone else for continuing to like it). I’ve found his stand-up funny about half the time.
His web-clip commentaries are good and his interviews with web “stars” can be hilarious. I don’t care for his in-house produced “clips” - too much bathroom humor and humiliating your staff is just dumb.
I could have voted somewhere in the middle if there was an option.
I have never given him much of a chance. Mostly because the commercials for his show were so completely annoying. The one time I did watch his show, I was surprised he wasn’t as bad as those commercials. He seemed pretty funny. Don’t have enough data to cast a vote.
Smarmy is a massive turnoff, as is thinking that being offensive is the same thing as being funny. I find his comedy trite, smug, obnoxious, and completely not worth my time.
I think he’s generally funny. Even though 99% of his show is making fun of idiots on the internet, I think his somewhat self-deprecating “aw shucks” manner helps keep him from coming across as “mean”.
Couldn’t have said it better, he’s at the bottom of the top barrel of contemporary standup.
I just caught one of his sets on Comedy Central a few weeks ago, as it happens. I think he’s very funny, although I spend a fair amount of time wincing. If I had the chance to see him live on stage, though, I’d definitely go.
Yes, all of this, plus mean. Like a playground bully playing for laughs. Sure it’s funny when that kids trips and drops his lunch. Sure it is.
Tosh.whatever amuses me way less than half the time (maybe 20%). Based on that, I voted no.
Yeah I think he’s great.
Tried watching on the advice of a friend. Emphasis on “tried”.
I caught one of his recent stand up specials and he was funnier than I expected.
And of all the internet clip shows I have seen, his writers give him the best material to quip with.
I voted yes but I do find him grating. Too much mean gets to be a turn off after a while. Yet, he can still make me laugh. I don’t know why I find him grating. Bill Burr is mean, Louis C.K. jokes about raping babies but I don’t find either of them grating at all.
He’s a sniggering frat boy, IMO.
Occasionally funny, but mostly I feel his performance delivery is awkward and forced. He seems like a talk show host that’s reading unrehearsed material that someone else wrote.