I work from 8pm Tuesday evening until 2am Wednesday morning. I’m a lecturer, so I won’t even be able to follow twitter feeds.
I’m trying out several “breaking news” apps. If they work, I suppose I could leave my iPad on my lectern as I give my lectures. But if things start to get too exciting, I might look like Commandant Lassard of Police Academy fame, trying to keep a straight face at my podium while my iPad fellates me with breaking news alerts.
Ideally I’d like to see the action unfold in real time, but all of my media access is via the internet, so I don’t have the option of recording MSNBC and then playing it back when I get home to pretend it’s happening in real time.
I got my vacation approved. Starts Friday before the election and ends December 1. Thinking about finding a hole to crawl into so I don’t have to find out the results until the end of vacation.
If I couldn’t get vacation then I could have been on either a 7am to 7pm shift or a 2pm to 2am shift. For the earlier shift I would just get home and go to bed before polls closed since I would be working the same schedule Wednesday. If on the later of those shifts… well there are big screen televisions on the walls tuned to CNN and I have internet. I imagine it would be like the night the tsunami rolled over Japan… a long slow unfolding disaster.
I will vote, go to work, then come home and probably watch a video. I’ll find out who won when I wake up in the morning. I’m not interested in getting updates.
Ill be on a business trip in Calgary. I fly back Wednesday, depending on the result I may just stay and have the family fly up and escape the Caliphate of Trumpistan.
We’ve got CNN on two big screens here, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Having to listen to my conservative, grump-old-man co-worker gripe all night might be a problem.
Living in Hawaii, it’s not uncommon for the Presidential winner to be announced before 5pm. So, you could go to the polls after work already knowing who won.
I have a 7:15AM ET flight on Wednesday 11/9, with client meetings in the afternoon and early the next morning.
I plan on taking four Benadryl and a half pint of whiskey at 8PM on Election Night. It’s the only way I’m going to be able to get to bed early enough to haul my carcass out of bed at 4:30AM on Wednesday. If Trump wins, I’ll probably down a few bloody marys on the flight.
I’ll be teaching a night class from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. We normally have a break at 7:15, before polls close, where I can sneak a peak at a few web sites, and we might “accidentally” end early.
I seem to have miscalculated. I’m 13 hours in the future, not 12. That means I have classes from 9:30-11:00 pm EDT, a 50 minute break and then two more classes from 11:50 pm to 1:30 am.
I think the 2012 election was called for Obama around 8 pm eastern. Whether that happens again this time depends, I guess, on how close things are in FL, NC and maybe PA.
I’m sure of a Clinton victory. Therefore, I’ll be flipping through cable channels, paying special attention to Fox News so I can watch the meltdown live. My computer will also have several message boards up, mainly the Trump subreddit on reddit, maybe Free Republic, and Stormfront. I want to watch the tears, the anger, and the despair and laugh. And the next day I will tune into Hannity and Limbaugh on the radio.