Doctor Who series 8 official trailer

I hadn’t seen this mentioned yet, so in case anyone is interested here is the official full trailer for Series 8 of Doctor Who.


Looks like the new series is darker and more serious (or at least, they cut the trailer that way). They also seemed to be hinting that the Daleks would be pretty involved. I wonder if they’re going to be less episodic, this season?

Personally, I would like the series to become more adult and serious, but I imagine that most people will complain if the show stops being lighthearted and silly.

Woo, Paternosters!

Whoever they got to cut the trailer was obviously trying to do a modern Hollywood style quick-cut, boomsplosion style thing. They didn’t quite pull it off correctly.

Was that a T-Rex outside of Westminster? I’m intrigued, but “Dinosaurs in a Parliament” doesn’t have quite the same zing.

You are kinder than I am.

I’ll be interested to see how the tone of the doctor/companionship dynamic changes with an older actor as the doctor. Matt Smith’s take verged on creepy perv at times for me.

Really? At least with Amy, he seemed pretty solidly disinterested. With Clara, I’ll admit that he did seem to actually notice her, but they seemed to be pretty equal in their relationship.

So Tennet was 900 years old and now Geezer Doctor is 2000. I guess Smith lived a long time in Christmas town.

I believe the math is somewhere around 900 years total on Trenzalore/Christmas.

Not much to say about the trailer, really - the trailer itself doesn’t say that much.

What I will say is fuck Daleks. I’m so bored of Daleks. The same goes for Weeping Angels. They were good in one episode. My biggest problem with Doctor Who (and I say this as someone for whom the specials were the most anticipated part of Christmas) is the “So, you like Daleks eh? Well, have all the Daleks in the world!” attitude.

I feel like the creators think they’re blowing my mind all the time, and they’re really not. Unfortunately, it probably just makes me more cynical and jaded. I might have thought a tyrannosaurus in London looked cool if I didn’t feel like they were trying so hard to impress me.

This. A thousand times this.

The weeping angels were amazing - in their first episode. After that they became just another villain.

A single Dalek is terrifying and something to run from. A thousand Daleks is something the Doctor dismisses with a wave of his screwdriver. (they are like ninjas, it seems).

There’s room to do episodic and there’s room to do story arcs, but apparently there is little room for creativity of the monsters.

The first episode has already leaked onto the net. It’s a black & white screener copy. Watermarked and no special effects.

If you go looking for it be careful. There are places with viruses hosting it.

Doctor Who Preair Screener

The B&W is pretty cool. Reminds me of Classic Dr Who. Peter Capaldi looks very much like the Doctor from the 1960’s.

I’m sure the finished episode will be in color. Almost a shame.

Yeah, I’m hopeful that Frobisher/Caecilius will bring something a bit different from the recent, more youthful incarnations. He looks like a Doctor, to me.

Yep. If nothing else, it’ll put a damper on the whole longing-looks-from-afar thing the past few Doctors have had with their assistants (well, really just Tennant and Smith, and Tennant wasn’t quite as bad). When the Doctor looks like he could be his assistant’s father/grandfather, romance gets creepy fast.

Thanks. This bit made me laugh:

Who invented this room?
Doctor, please, You have to lie down.
It doesn’t make any sense. It’s only got a bed in it. Why is there only a bed in it?
Because it’s a bed room. It’s for sleeping in.
OK, what do you do when you’re awake?
Well, you leave the room.
So you’ve got a whole room for not being awake in. What’s the point?

I’m going to like this doctor.

I liked the 1st episode, but I was confused that the screener was in B&W. Is that common? Guess that gives me something to look forward to - the completed episode.