So, is Bat Boy going to run for President in 2008?
I can’t say for a typical issue, but this topic came up last year and I went through an issue, cover to cover and verified or debunked every single article in it. In that particular issue, about 80% of the stuff was real, pulled from various weird news sources, and about 20% was complete off the wall Bat Boy style stuff.
I personally love the WWN because I have never, ever read an issue that didn’t make me laugh out loud. I also love the huge crosswords they print sometimes and I enjoy cutting out articles and mailing them to friends with a “Hey, did you see this in the news?” comment.
By the way, anyone who is a WWN fan- and even if you’re not- if you see Bat Boy the Muscial come to your town, SEE IT. I mean it. It’s fantastic and the soundtrack is awesome.
I can verify that at least one story they printed is true. In the late 80’s they printed a story about a fellow from Brookeville PA stealing toes off the corpses in funeral parlors. That story was true, I knew one of the investigating officers.
I would love to write for WWN.
What fun and utter BS.
Still, once and a while Snopes has to answer emails regarding WWN headlines to disconfirm them. So someone out there must be believing this stuff.
Personally I love the rag! Bat boy, Galleons on the moon, Bigfoot attacks and Elvis sightings, what more can you ask for.