I still watch it, primarily out of habit, and to me the last season has seemed, well, less funny. Back when it was first aired, I can remember laughing until tears ran down my face, but lately it seems like a “good” episode if I get a chuckle or two. Is it just me, or has it gotten a little stale?
You didn’t laugh your ass off at the Dickens episode? I think your sense of humour has a puncure. Hold on while I find a rubber patch and a bicycle pump.
It’s just you. The 4th grade years have been hilarious. Hurry up with that patch, Colin
C’mon Lissa, Kenny getting killed form being inside Mrs. Crabtree’s uterus has got to be one of the funniest moments on SP.
I don’t really have time anymore. But the few times I have cought it recently have seemed just as funny. I saw the one where Cartman went to fat camp. LOL!
I think this season’s stuff has been pretty funny. I missed Wednesday’s episode, but I know it’s gonna be on sometime tonight.
Now that the initial shock value has lessened, it’s just like any other show - some good, some OK, some bad. I did like the bizarre twist on the Dickens’ parody.
I used to watch it religiously, but I stopped for some reason. I think because it used to always be repeats. Anyway, I’ve seen a couple episodes this season by chance, and they were pretty good. I really should get back into that show.
Still watch it. Still like it.
I still love it. I don’t have time to watch every episode, like I did in high school. But a few days ago I caught the one where the kids get the parents sent to jail, OMG I was crying. My favorite part was when the kindergarteners were like, “We played with our parents. We wanna play with you!” Goodness, I nearly rolled off my bed!
Hey, it’s on right now. They’re all going to the Raging Pussies concert!
Actually, it’s on right now and it’s sort of a weird Children of the Corn/Molesters/Lord of the Flies thing
I only started watching it when I moved to this area I live in now since my old place didn’t have Comedy Central. I have to admit, last season wasn’t really that great, except for the Chinpokomon ep. However, this season is definitely hilarious, especially this week’s episode.
I think each episode gets better and better. The introduction of Timmy is pure genius. Also I thought the “We played with our parents, now we want to play with you” part was ridiculously funny.
The dickenson episode was genius… best in a long time…
I thought this weeks episode was priceless. The kids all called the cops and turned in the parents for ‘molestering’ them.
Timmy and Butter are my faves.
I used to watch it every week, often by taping it since I get up very early for work. But then they were all reruns and I got out of the habit. I’m trying to remember to watch it, but sometimes I forget. I still like it, and it’s still funny.
I should have taped last week’s episode. I was trying to pick up on all of the references, but I was laughing too hard. I agree with TexasSpur that “We played with our parents, now we want to play with you” was hilarious. It reminded me of Ray Bradbury’s Zero Hour*, where the kids are all playing the same game (“Alien Invasion”) and kill their parents. The “Carousel” lines refered to Logan’s Run, where the 30-year-olds were killed. I also liked the Kenny part.
I don’t have Comedy Central anymore since I moved so I can’t watch it anymore. I do have SouthPark, Bigger, Longer, and Uncut on video though and I watch that all the time. The first 20 minutes of that movie have me LMAO! I love it. I can’t watch it in front of my daughter though… she repeats things too much. Last year she saw part of it (the first time I watched it i didn’t think it would be as bad as it was) and she went around saying “Uncle Fucker” for the longest time. She was only a little over 2 at the time so it sounded like “Unka Bucka” and only I knew what she was trying to say but still!
Trey and Matt must be big Star Trek fans, or at least seen the old episodes enough to know how to make fun of them.
It started off as a great Children of the Corn flavor, but did anyone notice at the end when the ‘tourist’ was explaining to the kids how it was wrong to send the parents to jail, etc.? VERY Shatner like in his delivery, “It was… WRONG… to do this.”
And last season’s weren’t bad (much better than the previous season), but the 4th grade episodes have been TOP NOTCH. “Hello, I’m some British guy.”
I’m still watching. I only got Comedy Central last summer, so I had a lot to catch up on. I’m finally caught up, though (I’ve seen all but probably 10 episodes.) I usually tape them on Wednesday nights, and we watch them over supper on Thursday (after the taped Sailor Moon episode…yes, I know we are fangirls…)