Does anyone use their glove box to store gloves?

I keep a pair of gloves in my glovebox for emergencies- they’re not a great pair, but they’d help with putting chains on or pumping gas in cold weather.

Years ago a friend of mine said: Guess what I found in <his girlfriend’s> Glove Box?

I immediately feared condoms or some other thing to implicate infidelity.

Turned out, it was gloves.

Among other things, yes. Gloves, sunglasses, pen, comb, owner’s manual, a few extra straws and spoons from fast food. . .

I have a nice pair of black leather gloves in my glovebox. They never leave the car, even in summer. I use my bulky winter gloves if I’m going to be out for a long time, or if it’s really cold, or if I’m shovelling snow.

The glovebox gloves get used when I’m visiting clients, going out for drinks or dinner after work, or even if I have a long walk through a parking lot to the grocery store.

White goatskin, made in Pakistan, for changing tires.

(I keep my registration in a pouch clipped to the passerger-side visor: cops get nervous when you reach into the glove compartment for some reason)

I call it glove compartment, too. I’m from Michigan.

Yes. My husband and I actually each keep a spare set of handbell gloves in the glove compartment, just in case we leave our regular ones at home. We usually run right in the nick of time to handbell practice, and if we realize when we get to church that we’ve left our gloves at home, it’s too late to go back and get them.

I keep driving gloves there in the Summer and thermal gloves in the Winter. Aside from the owner’s manual, a flashlight and maybe a map, I’ve never used it for anything else. I can’t imagine what the rest of you are using it for.

I keep gloves in the glove compartment just out of principle. I don’t intend to use them.

“The glove compartment is a lie in cars, isn’t it? You know, you never have gloves in the glove compartment; you never open it, and 50, 60 pairs of gloves… gloves everywhere, I’m drowning in gloves! *Glove death. *”

-Eddie Izzard

I bought a pair several years ago. From what I can tell, all they do is to add a bit of class to a mad-scientist costume.

But they are very good at that.

It turns out it’s disappointingly difficult to tie proper knots while wearing them.

When it was cold in November/December, I had gloves in my glove box. There’s usually really no need for gloves here though.

Coincidentally, I’ve been thinking I should keep a pair of gloves in the car.

My grandpa does. I always assumed it was an old people thing.

I’ve got the instruction manual for the car, the necessary cards and documents in a plastic sleeve, wet wipes I help myself to from the box at the gas station cash register (hey, they’re free!), plastic utensils and some napkins, mini bottle of hand sanitizer, and a couple of granola bars. If I have any actual gloves in the car, damned if I can find them, they’re somewhere in the back. I saw one the other day but just one.

I did when glove boxes were a good size. You can hardly fit the vehicle manual and registration in there now. The gloves go behind the back seat now with a shovel. Actually there’s a lot of shit behind the seat including plastic sheeting, garbage bags, and duct tape. It’s for plants not body disposal.

I call it a glove compartment. The manual for the car is in there. The registration for the car is in my card case in my purse or in my pocket. My feeling is that if someone steals or breaks into my car, I don’t want them having my home address.

In the winter I leave an extra pair of gloves in the car “just in case”. They’re on the passenger seat. Never once have I thought about putting them in the glove compartment; I’d forget they were in there.

Of course. What else would you put in there?

Let me tell you, walking up to a receptionist with snow in your hair and a pair of nice leather gloves clenched in your fist gives you a much better chance of getting to meet an important client than does coming in with a puffy ski jacket and some huge mittens that you could use on an Everest summit attempt.

So too at a bar after work - walking in and setting down a pair of gloves that lie flat in front of you is a much better entrance than dropping down a pair that looks like they came off the Michelin man.

Nice gloves work as a fashion accessory, and almost no one (males) carries them. Something for the lads to consider.

I usually keep a pair of black leather gloves in my glovebox. Right now I am living in a place with unreasonable weather, so when the summer is at its worst I move them to my handbag to keep them under boiling temperatures (ok, ok, “48ºC in the shadow” is not “boiling temps”… sure feels like it, though); when the hot weather is not so extreme, they come handy to avoid driving-wheel-burn when I get in the car. They’re also handy when the weather is cold but not enough to justify polarfleece gloves, but for some reason I tend to live in this kind of weather less often.

I keep gloves in my car, but my glove box is pretty tiny - it just fits the manual and a handful of napkins. And my gloves are snow scrapin’ gloves so they are big and puffy.

I never had a center console before I got this car, so I am loving the ability to stuff a ton of junk in that center console - gloves included. The gloves even stay in there all year round so I don’t get caught without them in the winter.