I’m such a moron! I’m having a complete mental blank about this and it’s driving me mad. When you sit in the front passenger seat of a car there is a small compartment in the dashboard, just above your knees. You can open it and keep, or rather I keep, the car manual, regsitration, tissues, atlas etc in it. What in criminey’s name is it called?
The more I think about it, the more ridiculously idiotic things I come up with - the dashboard hole, the car cupboard, the map holder.
This will keep me awake at tonight if you can’t help me remove this mental roadblock (weak pun, is weak)
I imagine it’s been about 90 years since anyone ever used it for gloves. Even those weird 80s people who still use driving gloves probably don’t actually keep them in there.
I do, as a sort of post-modern/ironic act of Dilbert minded literalness. I only wear gloves when riding the bike in the cold. I certainly don’t wear them to drive. But if some day I have a nosey passenger poke around in there I want them to find gloves, dammit.
I think the traditional contents of a British glove box are a load of expired tax discs, an A to Z and a package of boiled sweets. Not gloves.
I keep my warm, fleece-lined gloves in my glove compartment, because they’re bulky and don’t fold up nicely. I keep my leather driving gloves in my center console because they’re ever so compressible.
I believe you’d find the same thing in an American glove box, sans boiled sweets. Expired insurance cards and registrations, receipts and stuff from getting your car worked on that you shoved in there for no good reason or maybe because there was a coupon printed on it, long since expired, a map ten years out of date, and the manual.
Wikipedia says it may also be called a “jockey box” but I bet more people keep gloves in there than jockeys. OP, I really liked “dashboard hole” and “car cupboard.” It reminds me of Moe from the Simpsons who had never heard the term “garage” and instead called it a “car hole.”
I’ve just cleaned out all the sugar that has been in there from a spilled bag of American hard gums - talk about a sticky mess, been there three months.
Well, not neccessarily. But a quip I heard on the radio that I enjoyed suggested that October was the time of year when one should reach into one’s glove compartment and flip all the contents over. After doing this, the ice scraper would now be on top–where you can get to it easily.
Most folk that I know don’t actually store ice scrapers that they use in the glove compartment–especially if they have the long-handled variety with a brush on it, but I did like the idea.
[Hans moleman} I keep gloves in mine[/Hans Moleman]
But I don’t keep my vehicle registration and insurance card in there. I keep them on the tucked-away side of that flat thingey that flips down to provide shade and rhymes with “sun visor.” If a cop pulls me over he won’t worry I’m going for a gun.