Does Biden have early on set dementia?

Biden has slowed down compared to 8 years back but there is no point throwing around words like “dementia” without hard evidence. Overall I think he meets the basic threshold for handling the job though his age is obviously a worry.

Quick–you can either eat a huge steaming pile of hyena shit or a huge steaming pile of wolverine shit, which do you choose?

The one thing pretty much everyone figures about Trump is that he’s flailing around and doesn’t have the faintest fucking clue what he’s doing but that he’ll sign whatever’s put in front of him. Which would lead any intelligent person to wonder who’s in charge and setting the agenda. Does any sane person really believe that having wambly dementia Joe in place, flailing around without the faintest fucking clue of what he’s doing but who can still sign whatever’s in front of him is going to make the SLIGHTEST FUCKING DIFFERENCE? The ones actually doing the shitty minimal level of work that’s currently being accomplished won’t even need to change their fucking offices, they just install a brand new useless moron figurehead and it’s just bidness as usual. So Joe grabs titties and sniffs people rather than having Trump yelling insults and tweeting–I’m sorry, but I’m not seeing the faintest ray of improvement in this scenario. Allowing the gargoyles to continue being in charge of the cathedral is not an option so far as I’m concerned and I assure you I will not be voting for Biden if he’s the Dem candidate, nor will I vote for the current useless shit flinging monkey that’s already in place. No steaming piles of shit will I volunteer to eat, not ever.

Where to start with something like this? I’ll start at the top with your statements about Trump. You state that any minimally intelligent person would ask who’s doing the actual work. The answer is obvious and it’s equally obvious that they wouldn’t be the same people doing that work under a Biden administration. Stephen Miller, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, etc. will not be a part of a Biden administration. Neither would corrupt officials like AG Barr and the other members of the cabinet. In case you haven’t noticed, Trump has purged all kinds of people in various departments who were doing good work. Their only flaw was that they were loyal to the United Stated rather than to Trump as an individual. Biden would likely bring those people back. It would not be the same people, not be the same agenda, and definitely not be the same outcome.

Out of curiosity, do you believe the same for the past? If so, who were these same people doing that work under Obama?

At least Biden has an excuse for brain damage (near fatal bleeding aneurysm). What’s Trump’s excuse?

I’m astounded by the people who feel they need to mention they’d vote for Biden over Trump, even if demented. Duuuh. When hamburger and dogshit are the only items on the menu you don’t order the dogshit just because the ketchup on the burger isn’t your favorite brand.

I just watched Chris Christie on the Stephen Colbert show. Christie thought the slip of “million” for “thousand” was a big deal. :smack: What a joke. The only good news was that Christie, just minutes from the New Jersey heartland, got about zero applause when he walked on stage.

I’d like those complaining about Biden’s verbal gaffes, to give their opinions on Trump speech (diagnosed as schizophrenic) like this:

Curious: would you vote for Biden if he let Sanders pick the VP?


I think he would have won over a Trump 8 years ago.

The only way anyone could prevent Joe from running for president would be to have committed. No one is “letting” him embarrass himself, but he does it just the same.

While I like Biden and find his un-politicianlike candor refreshing, let’s not paint him as something he’s not- he’s got a BA and a JD from reputable universities, and has spent his entire career as a lawyer (1969-1973), a Senator (1973-2016), or a professor (2017-2020- a sinecure, I don’t doubt).

Anyway, he may be atypically plain spoken for a politician, but blue collar he is not, and never has been.

But isn’t that just proof that GWB definitely didn’t have dementia, he was just dumb and bad at words? If he had dementia back then, then it would have been impossible to hide by now.

If Biden now is more coherent than GWB back then, it’s plausible that he’s also just bad at words (as his past speeches have amply attested), not that it’s dementia.

One, as Rob Reiner or the guy interviewing him said about I don’t know what because I’m ADD and can’t be expected to pay attention to every damn thing on MSNBC, “There’s such a fine line between stupid and clever.” Or senile and bumbly.

Two, based on one commercial break this morning, Obama has endorsed both Sanders and Biden.

Three, is there a happy middle between polished (artificial) and folksy (bumbly)?

I’m not so sure, I did/do think Biden would have been labeled as a third Obama term/more of the same and that would have been a handicap in the change/do something-anything atmosphere of 2016.
It would have put Obama in a difficult position: does he endorse his Vice President or his former Secretary of State? Or say something like “I respect both candidates and want to see the process play out and will endorse the candidate who wins our party’s convention”?

Yes, he is senile af and I feel uncomfortable and cringey listening to him him speak. Watching him potentially debate Trump in the future I honestly feel embarrassed for him in advance.

Joe has never been eloquent. He has also never run for president before and managed the associated pressure and distraction. It is absolutely not surprising to me that a person of even average would lose his train of thought under the circumstances under which he as spoken publicly. That has fuck all to do with how well his noodle actually works when he is in a comfortable environment without someone waiting to gainsay his every word before it’s even past his lips. Jesus’ tits, he isn’t my first choice either but I’m really getting tired of people making shit up about him in the absence of any other real problems.

Besides, even if he were getting soft in the head, so what? This loon can scream at that loon for 60 minutes and America can begin to feel as ashamed as it ought to for allowing either of them anywhere near the White House.

God I love our two party system.

Couple that with his lifelong attempts to get over his stuttering and that seems right to me.

He looks pretty good compared to Trump.

Then why hasn’t Obama endorsed Biden? Obama wants nothing to do with that shit show.

My grandma has dementia, but she was MUCH sharper than he was at 77… Biden has always been a gaffer (and plagiarist) and this will only be highlighted because of YouTube, etc., if he is the nominee. He’s been saying a lot of stupid stuff, doing a lot of stupid stuff (sniffing, touching), even bullying those who say they’d vote for him in the general.