Does Firefox Automatically Switch Google for Yahoo?

I am using Google in Firefox, and I am sick and tired of every Google search returning (sucky) Yahoo results! Yes, the Yahoo! logo appears, and I can tell the poor quality in results is Yahoo. My Firefox options are set-up to use Google for searches. Still, something is overriding my wishes. How do I correct this?

I use Firefox all the time, and I think the last time I ever saw a Yahoo result for anything was over a decade ago.

Mozilla and Yahoo briefly had a deal that made Yahoo the default search engine; I thought this had ended in the last couple of years though. What version of Firefox are you using?

It tries to make Yahoo the default search engine, and you might have missed the question. In my version - 60.0.1 you can go to Options, then Search on the side bar, and set your default search engine. I have it as Google and it does not try to override this.

When you say you are “using Google,” what exactly are you doing?

While I can’t say what is causing your problem, I have been using FireFox for years without anything resetting my search preferences. So it’s probably not anything integral to FF.

Hey, just figure out how to use for your Internet searches. If, and when, Google shows up, just back away (you have a “back” button). I’ve seen nothing to tell me that the Duckers are spying on me.

Your Mileage May Vary.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I will look into this. And, will try the Duck! I understand Google is spying on me collecting all kinds of meaning crap. It certainly won’t help them profile me for advertisers, for one. BTW, the version of FF I am running is 60.0.2 (64 bit).

I just examined my FF options, and here is a list of what I found:

a) There is a place where Google is selected as my search engine. (checked)
b) Immediately below that is a check box for “Provide Search Suggestions” (checked) (does that mean dropdown text?)
c) Indented immediately below that are two choices:
i. Show search suggestions in address bar results (checked)
ii. Show search suggestions ahead of browsing history in address bar results (not checked)

Last, and this seems contradictory:
Choose the alternative search engines that appear below the address bar and search bar when you start to enter a keyword. (FYI: All search engines were checked, including Yahoo. This is the only place where I find a mention of Yahoo.)

…Are there additional options I should review, as well?

Those all have to do with how the browser searches for you. The only thing I have checked is “provide search suggestions”. Also, in the dropdown and one-click are, I’ve deleted everything other than google. With it set up like this, when I type something in the address bar that isn’t a website, it brings back the google results it.

As for it automatically changing, I’ll guess that it’s some program you installed or plugin or an add-on/extension you updated/installed. For a while Adblock Plus was changing my search default back to Yahoo every few weeks. It may have been just resetting all that to it’s defaults though, I’m not sure.