I guess my proposed “Great Debate” is:
Does God ever give up on someone?
When should a person searching for God give up?
Or, more personally, in spite of my efforts, why don’t I have faith???
I’m trying to believe in the Christian god, but it just isn’t working.
I’ve tried observation, learning, discussion and logic. I’ve discussed and debated the issues with numerous people (including some learned and devout officials of the church) for over a decade now. Logic fails with an all-good, all-powerful and all-knowing god, and I haven’t seen God act in any fashion in my life. Not that he hasn’t acted, but he is, at the very least, apparently good at being inconspicuous, and if he exists I can’t help but wonder why he hides from me.
When that failed, I tried practicing religion (e.g., going to church even though I don’t believe), and I tried classifying myself as a sinner attempting to repent (as opposed to being agnostic). I’ve prayed for some sort of inspiration, and not even for myself, but for the benefit of my children. I’ve read a little of the Bible and church teachings. That isn’t working either.
So, nothing is working–logic, discussion, learning, contemplation, observation, feeling and the repetitive practice of Christianity have all failed me. What is there left to do?
I believe and attempt to follow all the consequentialist morality of the Church (e.g., teachings regarding sins that have victims). But I doubt the “nonconsequentialist” morality of the Church (e.g., teachings regarding non-physical beliefs and morals such as sins of the mind rather than of action, belief in the Trinity, the Resurrection, Transubstantiation, and the details of the lives of Jesus and the saints). Why can’t I believe in these nonconsequentialist teachings?
I just sat through church this morning, and I was truly disturbed by my lack of belief in a large part of what everyone else in the building holds dear. Not to mention that my kids are asking questions about this kind of stuff, and I don’t want to lie to them. Is it time I gave up and went to a Unitarian church or gave up altogether? How long must I wait for God to somehow meet me half way??? Will he ever?