Does menstruating make you a "spaz?"

I find this insinuation really offensive ya’ know. I have a definite problem with blokes who reckon that our abilities/moods/horniness changes depending on what time of the month it is. So youse guys maintain a pleasant-tempered, harmonious equilibrium for a whole 28 days eh? Not-bloody-likely.
In fact, I take such issue that it’s time to bring out the knives!!!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
(Where’s the smiley that sticks it’s middle-finger up?)

Ah shit, it must be that time again.
Just ignore me, everyone else does.


Actually, I was on the rag when I took my flight test to get my pilot’s license… didn’t seem to affect my flying at all. In reality, female pilots have a lower accident rate than male pilots all across the board, so even if she’s not quite at her best during that part of the cycle she’s probably still as safe (if not more so)as a male pilot.

When I was a little girl they filled my head with all sorts of crap about how during “that time of the month” I could anything I did any other time of the month. Well, yeah, but they didn’t mention that you generally don’t want to. Me, I find an extra hour of sleep for those couple nights keeps the klutzies away. Sometimes wonder if it’s a matter of a typical person’s hectic schedule catching up with them at that time. I find that I am more sensitive to pain, less tolerant of idiots, and a little more tired - like I don’t have quite as much “cope” as I usually do. 99.99% of the time, I think PMS/period just lead to tendencies, not mandates. It’s not that you HAVE to be in a bad mood, it’s just that you have less patience. It’s not that you HAVE to cry, just that it will take less to make you tear up.

Sort of like when guys haven’t had sex for awhile and they’re real horny - they’re easily irritated, frown a lot, and so on. The big difference is we women know when we’re going to get cranky and can schedule around it - men have no clue when they’re going to have off days like that.

I’ve never noticed an increase in klutziness myself, but that might be because I hid out and cry over nature specials, er, and cartoon movies then. The part in the Rugrats movie with Spike in danger? That was so sad! Seriously, though, I’ve never noticed that my lack of coordination is more pronounced at any particular time of the month.

Many of the anecdotes related here pertain to Pre-Menstrual Klutziness. Mrs. Dave-Guy is usually at her Klutziest during her period – a day or two after it starts.

I find that interesting, although I don’t what kind of interpretation to put on it.

Not all women have this affliction. I don’t.

::Furiously scribbles notes:: Must remember to try this excuse sometime. :wink:

I am not a doctor, but she might want to talk to hers about whether she should take iron supplements and vitamin C (to help her body absorb the iron–many women become aenemic during their “visit with Aunt Flo,” at least I do. That’s one excuse for fatigue and slight dizziness which can contribute to clutziness or, er, bodily distraction and dissassociation, I’m not sure how else to explain that phenomena of not paying attention to that which shouldn’t have to be paid attention to, that sort of out-of-body-so-I’m-not-so-careful-about-its-spatial-placement phenomena.
It’s sort of a low grade thing, not something I would have really noticed except for a long story not worth going into, but the iron supplements and vitamin C have been a great thing for me–although if you can, it’s best to control it mainly by diet (dark leafy things etc.) because prolonged usage of supplements can cause constipation, and then she’ll really be cranky.

Last weekend, I managed to bump into things in the downstairs part of my brother’s house… like the vacuum cleaner, the piano bench, the table in the TV room, etc. When I got home early on Sunday (courtesy of some family friends), I managed to bump into my bedroom door and stub my toe fairly badly just as I was going to take a nap! Aspirin helped a little, and later on I did wonder (to a male friend) what was causing my klutziness. Bingo… I got my period late yesterday or very early today (Monday/Tuesday)… Now I know, thanks to Tansu… but I’m not going to tell my friend that! :eek: :smiley:

However, I haven’t noticed it happening much over time… or maybe it’s just because I haven’t been actively looking for the cause of it. This might be a one-time incident, or it might presage the way things are going to be in future. I do notice I get crankier than usual during my period; once, my sister tried to tell me it couldn’t be so: “That’s not true… many studies have been done that show that women are cranky BEFORE their period, bur not DUIRNG!” Well, if that is what the studies say, then so be it… however, I’m willing to bet there are MANY, MANY women who get cranky and irritable DURING as well as before!

And I thought my sloppy typing over the past few days was caused by the lateness of the hour? Well, now I have another thing to blame it on! Thanks, capybara!

Who wants to come to my place and gorge on Vitamin C in tablet form? (no, I don’t have any oranges and such, but I could buy them up just for us… really! :slight_smile: )

That’s it! I’m going out for a steak dinner in a couple of days, when I feel up to it! Who wants to come with me? It’ll be fun! D: