Does playing chess qualify as a date?

I want opinions. What do you think?

Say someone asks you on a date and arranges the date at a park on a weekend or holiday. On the date, the only thing you do is play chess. If your date beats you in the game, would you accept the next one?

Not enough information. Did everyone have fun?

Let’s assume they did.

Exactly. A date is whatever you decide it is, whether it’s a game of chess, scrabble or cleaning the side of the freeway.

Before we married, my boyfriend taught me to play chess on a date. He defeated me the first time, but I still had fun.

Dopers, I married him. (Andy L)

Did she ‘King you’ (yes I know but it’s the same board)

Assuming you enjoy it, it could be a better date than the traditional one of going to the movies, where you don’t talk to each other for two hours.

Question: did this chess playing happen as a date, or just as chess playing? If the latter, it could be the start of a relationship that will turn into dating.

Agreed. “A date” is when two people spend time together, engaged in a similar activity.

Whether or not playing chess is a “romantic date”, probably depends on the chemistry between the two of you
and whether or not you’re playing strip chess…which could be awkward in a public park. :smiley:

I know* some toddlers who had play dates together

  • Well I knew, they have a tendency to grow and would be considered now ‘children’.

Not enough info from the OP. And why does it need to be classified? And what does it matter who won the chess game to see them again?

I believe the OP is the “she.”

Let’s assume the chess playing is the date.

Did anybody order Raisin Bran?

The chess playing doesn’t matter. The OP could equally say,

and if I had fun, then of course I’d accept the next date.

Isn’t the first date a bit too soon for mating?

Sure, playing chess can be a date if both sides socialize and get to know each other better and have fun. There’s no reason to think that a date must be the stereotypical dinner-and-movie date. Gardening, hiking, playing chess, playing table tennis, painting a mural, can all be dates.

Sure. I like chess. Plus, I’m an extremely introverted person, so that actually seems like a really enjoyable activity for a date to me. Maybe not for every date, lol…but yes, I’d enjoy it and would accept the next date offer if everything went fine the first time.

Now, not everyone enjoys chess, in fact, I would say many people don’t even know how to play chess, so I wouldn’t assume that a ‘chess date’ would be ideal for most people.

“There are three possible parts to a date, of which at least two must be offered: entertainment, food, and affection. It is customary to begin a series of dates with a great deal of entertainment, a moderate amount of food, and the merest suggestion of affection. As the amount of affection increases, the entertainment can be reduced proportionately. When the affection IS the entertainment, we no longer call it dating. Under no circumstances can the food be omitted.”
― Judith Martin

Did you eat?

As long as it doesn’t end in a smothered mate it’s all good.

And surely she checked before she mated