When an individual takes mega doses of the RDA of vitamins, does this put added stress on the body? In other words, does it take extra energy from the body to process and eliminate the unused vitamins? Do you folks take vitamins? Truthfully, I don’t think I’ve noticed a significant difference in my energy/health from taking vitamins. Could taking vitamins (whether RDA or mega-doses) actually be an energy depleter, as I’ve read it takes a lot of energy for the body to digest food? Any opinions on this subject?
Some vitamins are toxic in large dosages: vitamins A and D for example. Some of the others can be toxic also although most excesses are just pissed away. I’ve heard it said that Americans have some of the most expensive urine due to consuming too many vitamins.
I doubt that it takes much energy or stress to absorb vitamins.
A vitamin deficiency could well make you feel worse especially if it gets to scurvy levels, but most people get plenty of vitamins in their diet. Vitamin D might be an exception only because people aren’t out in the Sunlight enough. Taking a daily multivitamin certainly doesn’t hurt anything and might help if you have a poor diet. Taking 10 time the RDA is a whole different matter.
If you want more energy, exercise.
These are particularly bad because they are fat soluble, meaning they dissolve into fat. So you’re not going to be able remove excess through urination. The other fat soluble vitamins are (most forms of) E and K.
After I was hospitalized for an unexplained nosebleed that wouldn’t stop, my doctor asked me if I took any vitamin supplements (I don’t). She told me that taking high doses of vitamin C and other antioxidants can contribute to slow clotting.
To answer the OP, YES, if you believe this article…