Does the Koran really promise Islamic martyrs 72 virgins?

Yes J.Haas there are 72 virgins, but you will be surprised what they are doing.

Remember the promise that everyone will be judged. “The Book of Life will be opened and everyone will be judged out of the Book of Life.” But who do you think writes the Book of Life?

Before you are judged, the Book of Life has to be written.

When you arrive at the Pearly Gate, or the entrance to Heaven, you will be met by the angels who guard the gate. Commonly you may expect to meet Peter or one of the other 12 apostles.

Actually another 12 were appointed on the American continent about the time of Christ’s assension, but that is another matter. Ask me.

Anyway, whoever is guarding the entrance will introduce you to the 72 virgins.
In modern day english they are the reception committee. Their task is to register you, interview you. You give them you entire autobiography and they write it into the Book of Life. In the absence of your failing body, you will have total recall and you cannot fake anything there. So the task of the committee is to write your Book of Life.

When it comes to your turn to be judged, the Book of Life will be opened as the Prophets of old have promised and you will be judged.

I can only hope your valor will prove you worthy to receive all that the Father has so that you can inherit it.

In this matter, there is nothing erotic.

The virgins must be pure and clean, to be worthy of receiving inspiration from the Lord to confirm to them that everything you said is true.

You may call him the Holy Spirit. I call him the Holy Ghost, who can be everywhere at once (he has no restricting body) has the task of conveying messages from the Lord to the virgins concerning the truth of all matters.

And if you don’t believe that is true, why don’t you try going there and finding out if what I have said is true?

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Keep smiling.

So your myth says their myth is fulla crap?

It’s a good thing if religous fights go online and not on the battlefield.

Welcome to the boards John Vasar.

Here’s aLink to column you’re talking about, so everyone can see what’s being discussed.

Where do the virgins come from? Seventy two for everyone who gets to heaven? The math seems a bit off.

John Vasar writes:

> When you arrive at the Pearly Gate, or the entrance to Heaven, you will be met
> by the angels who guard the gate. Commonly you may expect to meet Peter or
> one of the other 12 apostles.
> Actually another 12 were appointed on the American continent about the time
> of Christ’s assension, but that is another matter. Ask me.
> Anyway, whoever is guarding the entrance will introduce you to the 72 virgins.

In what religion is it asserted that there are twelve apostles, plus another twelve apostles from the American continent, plus 72 virgins, all of who will meet us in heaven? I am not asking for a long defense of this notion. Do not write a long post telling us every detail about this idea. I just want to know what religion makes this claim. Provide us a citation to a website or to a book about this claim.

Rephase of the punchline to an old joke.

“Thursday is your turn to be a virgin.” :smiley:

Apostles on the American continent? My guess would be something mormonic:

I guessed the same thing, since only in the Mormon church is there anything about apostles in the Americas. But that doesn’t really answer my question. In what religion is there all of the twelve original apostles, plus twelve apostles in the Americas, plus seventy-two virgins, all of who will be waiting for people in heaven? Please, this question is for John Vasar. I know that some of you can guess how pieces of this come from particular religions. I can guess the same thing. I want to hear John Vasar answer this question. I want to know how he justifies believing in all of these things together, since as far as I know these different things come from different religions and aren’t all believed in by anybody. Please, this question is for John Vasar to answer.

You could always e-mail him.

You say that as if there is a chance he will return to this thread.

If he doesn’t return to the thread, then there’s nothing more to say about his post. He’s just another drive-by poster with a weird theory.

I don’t want to live in your universe.

So, a whole damn gaggle of women, uninterested in sex, who want to talk to you endlessly about just what you’ve been up to all this time, and why you’ve done it?

That’s not heaven.

Wowser Heaven?

Go to Google: Keyword is “THIRD NEPHI” or “Nephi the son of Helaman”
Enjoy the next 30 chapters.

No quibble, no quarrel. If God is real, if God is true, He can really answer you.
Ask him if the story is true. Convince him that you need to know. Only in earnestness will He reply to you. I know. I’ve tried it. I am genuinely happy and at peace with God.

This is not a joke.

Please let me know the results.


If you’re Mormon, I’m Donald Duck.


So, you cannot lie, but they need pure, clean virgins as lie detectors? :dubious:

And if God is not real?
(Well, for one thing, then we shouldn’t believe anything written in a book about god.)

If God’s not real, if God’s a fake, believe in Satan, for goodness sake!!

John Vasar, you’re not answering my question. What religion believes in twelve apostles, another twelve from the Americas, and seventy-two virgins, all of who will meet you in heaven? The scripture you mention (3 Nephi) is a Mormon book. As far as I’ve been able to determine, Mormons don’t believe that seventy-two virgins will meet you in heaven. That’s a Moslem belief. (Well, perhaps, but even that isn’t clear.)

So what religion makes all of these claims? Are you a Mormon or a Moslem? Are you some combination of the two? Is this Mormon/Moslem combination your own creation or is their some combination of the two faiths that I don’t know about?

Please answer these questions and quit making mysterious statements with no context. Don’t you notice that you’re not persuading anybody here with your statements with no support or context? I’m the one who’s trying to be polite to you here. Most of the other replies in this thread have been snide jokes at your expense. So, what religion do you consider yourself to belong to?