Don't be suprised when you don't hear "Supersize it?" anymore!

About time. Now if the fast food restaurants would put a SMALL size fry back on the menu…

“a happy meal for adults”? :eek:

Now with LITHIUM!

Yeah! And SCOTCH!

What’s the betting that there’s a quiet launch of “extra-size” fries in six months time?

I’m with GorillaMan.

I think it has more to do with the negative connotations that the phrase “Supersize” has picked up than any substantial shift in McDonald’s business philosophy.

The number of hits on a Google search for “supersize” AND “obesity” NOT “McDonalds” provides a quick-and-dirty indicator of the devaluation of the trademark. Time to kick that puppy to the curb!

Advice? If I’m getting a happy meal, I want TOYS!

So then would adult Happy Meals come with adult toys?


If I’m not that hungry I’ll order a kids meal and get the toy for myself :slight_smile:

I can do without the fries but I need my bucket of soda. Why!?

They DO have a small size. It’s called “eat what you want and toss the rest”. You don’t have to eat it all, and I can guarantee you that anything you toss is a drop in the bucket compared to what they throw away.

This is so idiotic. The problem is not getting an extra large serving of french fries with a tub of soda. The problem is people eating that type of food several times a week or everyday and not getting off their lazy asses. I haven’t had fast food for about 10 years, but if I did and couldn’t get a supersize, I would consider doing somethin radical like maybe buying 2 bags of fries.

Think about it, you really want to drink McScotch ? :smiley:

But you do have to pay for it all.

Mickey D’s here used to have a “small” meal that was just perfect for lunch, IMO.
Basically a Happy Meal minus the box and toy: plain old ten-to-the-pound hamburger or cheeseburger, small fries, small drink. When they changed the menu, the small meal disappeared, and the new smallest meal cost twice as much. The small fries and drink also disappeared, so you can’t even order the items separately. If you just want a quick lunch, you’re stuck ordering the Happy Meal and paying for a box and toy you don’t want.

I’m not saying they should be forced to have the small meal available - if very few people were ordering it, then oh well, guess they don’t make enough money from it to keep it on the menu. But it does make a difference to the consumer, and it bugs me when the only choice I get is to pay extra for something I don’t want. So I take my lunchtime business elsewhere.

It’s just a PR move, methinks. The size of Supersize stuff is smaller here in Canada, for what that’s worth, and they’re not actually removing them from the menu; they’re just calling Supersize stuff ‘Large’ instead. Big deal.

I suspect that this is what they’ll do in the US. Medium, Large, and SuperSize will be renamed Small, Medium, and Large, and they’ll add some fancy graphics to the boxes and fry pouches and whatnot in the hopes that no one will notice that the sizes are still the same.

I agree with the PR.

But come on! Nobody forces you to buy and eat it!!!

When I go for lunch to McDs I get a California Cobb Salad w/ grilled cheese (270 Cal) + 1 small fries (210 cal) + 1 Diet soft drink (0). Total= 490 Cal. 730 Cal if you go for the medium fries, 750 if you add an applepie. It’s not that bad!!!

Nobody forces you to buy the Quarter pounder w/cheese (770) + Super size fries (610) + Supersize coke (410) + a small dessert, the Chocolate Triple Thick Shake (whopping 1150!) for a total of 2940! (ouch!)
Damn it. Now I feel like having this supersize+shake menu :smiley:

Super-sizing isn’t the problem, that’s true. No one who can read and understand even the most basic nutrition information is laboring under the delusion that McDonald’s is health food. But for an occasional meal, perhaps even as frequently as once each week, you’re not going to die or even gain weight or harm your health in any measurable way by having that glut of calories, fat and sodium. Even Weight Watchers (ptooey!) recognizes that.

If there isn’t a 42 ounce soda anymore, Mr. TeaElle and I aren’t going to have something to share when we take long (6-8 hour) car rides anymore. That supersized Sprite was always a highlight of long, tedius trips. Drat.

Meanwhile, the dude who made the movie “Super Size Me” which chronicled his adventures in eating 3 meals at McDonalds every day for a month, is taking credit for this move by McD’s. He is so utterly arrogant and full of himself that any thought I ever had of seeing his flick has been completely destroyed.