Ok, its my first post on this message board so hooray. The thread about the Saturn commercial (maybe theyll see your blinker etc)prompted me to vent about these fucking Carls Junior commericals.
Im sure by now everyone and their mother has seen these advertising-disaters that Carls Junior has put out where they have hot women or ugly men eating these enormous burgers; crunching and slobbering while looking around at everyone in the room. The burgers you actually get at Hardees/Carls Junior are about half the size of the ones in the commercial, and the vegetables are so limp that the only thing crunching when you eat the burger is the stale bun. After a few minutes of watching them chew with their mouths open, you hear the winner of a slogan, " Dont bother me…Im eating" come on thru.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? If someone is crunching a sloppy ass hamburger in my ear, Im gonna do more than bother them. Ill cave in their fucking skulls for being so impolite as to be chomping on a huge Carls Junior hamburger (yeah right) IN THE FUCKING LIBRARY, and then tell me not to bother them!! Who the hell thought this one up? Even the hot chicks in these commercials would be worm food if they pulled that stunt next to me at the laundrymat.
Youd think that would be the worst thing they could come up with but its not. They have this “Cheese-paper” crap on the air now. Apparently, the cheese CJ puts on their burgers melts more than other places, or is stickier or some shit. If you are buying your food based on what remenants are left on the wrapper, your a loser.
Move to the midwest. We don’t have Carls Jr (and when I say that, I mean that I’ve never seen one in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, or Iowa), so we’ve never seen these apparently much-reviled commercials.
The Midwest: sure, you have to put up with the occasional tractor pull or demolition derby, but we’re a Carls Jr ad-free zone.
But the midwest is chock full o’ Hardees, which is not only owned by the Carl’s Jr. people, but has those singing biscuit commercials that make me want to jump out of my skin and hide in the basement until it’s safe to come out. Gaaaah!
You haven’t seen the latest ones for “The Restaurant Burger without the restaurant”? There is one that is compelling in its creepiness, showing a bunch of waitpersons gathered around a table singing the ** * creepiest* ** “happy birthday” song you ever heard in your life. Yet every time it comes on, i look. Particularly for this one gal… I can’t even describe it.
I went and looked for it on Adcritic, but no such luck.
Although I like their food, I have always detested the Carls Jr. commercials since they seemed to assume that dripping glop all over myself was the ideal eating experience.
But the library one is worse, since it actually does encourage the notion that eating in a library is OK and somehow even “cool” because you’re resisting authority, doing things on your own terms, blah blah blah.
Here’s a hint, Mr. Marketing Person: Libraries ban food for a reason (we call them rats, ants, etc.) From personal experience, people inconsiderate enough to smuggle food in the first place tend to also be rude enough not to bother cleaning up after themselves. Librarians are busy enough without being your maid, and where food remnants are, so are the pests. Jerk-offs.
My own theory regarding the eating-in-the-library commercial is that none of the people who wrote or approved the commercial has been to a library. Therefore, they cannot be expected to know that eating is against the rules in libraries.
No, obviously they’ve been in libraries, when they were in school, and they were forced to go. And they hated it, so years later they make this commercial, where the library is an evil edifice that cool people must rebel against by eating food from a multi-billion dollar restaurant franchise, as advertised on television. Those poor, slope-headed morons.
It makes no sense to me. Im a pretty young guy (24), and all this commercial about fast-food eating rebelious youth makes me want to do is go to the nearest Carls Junior, drop trow on the counter, light the place up and after watching it burn to the ground, head home and stop at McDonalds on the way back for a tasty Big Mac. No rebellion required to eat at Mc D’s. You just need to know how to speak spanish.
Good point about the sloppy eaters too. This does not make me want to eat there, simply because I do not look forward to dripping ketchup and brown lettuce on my shirt when out to lunch. That may just be me. I may not be a rebellious youth anymore though. =)
Hey, waddya me “put up with” tractor pulls? Some of us (ex-_ Midwesterners think tractor pulls are groovy! (Although I always thought demolition derbys were kind of stupid and pointless. don’t ask me to explain these wildly divergent opinions.)
The Midwest ALSO lacks Jack-In-The-Box. Mores the pity. But we DO have Long John Silvers!
Oh, and Iowa is NOT the Midwest! [sub]Damn wheat balers…[/sub]
I was a Manager for Hardees for 8 years, until Carl’s Jr bought them out. It was a case of the minnow swallowing a shark. If you think the commercials are bad, the internal management of the corp. is HORRENDOUS.
When I quit, ALOT of long time mangers quit, like a bunch of rats jumping off a sinking ship. And looking back, and seeing the commercials and attitudes that Hardees/Carl’s Jr. have, Hooboy, i’m glad I did.
I don’t think i’d be able to show myself in public or admit that I worked there if I did
And is it just me, or does that damned star just seem to be some marketing jackass’ idea of a Jack (from Jack in the Box) ripoff? Whoever thought of that Star monstrosity should be drug out and fed to a pack of wild dogs.
Good to know I am not even close to thinking that those CJ commercials are just…errrrrrrrg there aren’t even words for it. I am a junior marketing exec, so for a living, I have come up with some pretty lame or even awful s***, but this campaign is just plain disgusting. Cheese paper, ha! Yup, nothing like stale vegtables, meat that is best described as “floppy”, and drool for lunch.
Nope. I know they’ve had the star since I moved to an area of the country where they existed, and that was a long time ago. According to this, they’ve had it since the 50’s. If you’ll look closely, the damned thing used to wear peter-pan shoes and hold food:
No “Let’s dump on Carl’s Jr.” thread would be complete without mentioning that Carl Karcher has a very definite Christian Right political agenda. He finances conservative causes, most notably right-to-life groups, causing several pro-choice groups to call for a boycott of his business.
And, oh yeah, the commercials are disgusting.
But the burgers are good. Double Western … mmmmmm.