Don't Bump This Thread!

Monday Bump!

Weather’s bumpin’ up here for a few days!

I looked into adding a one-way street (alley) to the official, nifty, approved list of one-way streets for our city. I looked hard at the official list, which is part of the Municipal Code. Then I bumped my head on my desk. Repeatedly.

Guess how many of the streets on the list don’t exist any more or are now two-way streets. There are two streets that are approved one-way streets that aren’t on the list. And (bump, bump, bump) there are five lists. Five. All sitting there, one after the other in the Municipal Code. And some of the streets are on more than one list, with conflicting end points.

One street was on three lists. Did any of the end points match?

Bump, bump, bump.

Do any of those streets have speed bumps?

And while we’re on the subject, how many roads must a man walk down?

And how many roads don’t lead to Rome?


How come people in the “questions only” thread have a harder time making their responses into questions than people here?


Possibly because IRL, your response to a question is usually an answer, not another question.


I guess this thread isn’t real life, then…

Grumpy-bumpy. Bump.

There is an “Answers Only” thread.


Yes, and in that thread, no questions are allowed.


I’ve often wondered what kinds of questions prompted the answers in that thread.


You could consider them unprompted answers.


I didn’t see any, and most of them are either short or they were made one-way to accommodate heavy traffic, so I wouldn’t expect bumps.

Although everyone wants a speed bump. There’s an eight year waiting list.

Lately it seems like someone has installed speed bumps in my entire life.

Congratulations, you’ve jumped the queue.


Le Bump. It’s like Renault’s "Le Car, but it requires far less maintenance.

Just a baby bump.

New complaint. After getting speed bumps installed, the sideshow joy riders are positioning their rear wheels on the bump and spinning their wheels. If they suddenly get traction, they spring off in a semi-random direction.

She wanted a stop sign and another streetlight. She got additional enforcement.

Bump. (also sorry if I’ve mentioned this before - mind like a steel sieve)

A bump for a springlike day.