"Don't screw with the moderators and administrators." - TubaDiva

What exactly constitutes “screwing with the moderators and administrators”?

I dunno, but it sounds like something that I’m not getting a lot of lately!

Saint Eutychus


No matter what you do, wear a condom. :slight_smile:

Patrick, I see your application to be cabana boy for the women’s swim team was turned down. My condolences.

“Screwing with the moderators” – that would be anything that would make more work and aggravation for any of us.

Most people that post here make what we do a delight and we’re glad and grateful for 'em.

your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope

The amount of work/aggravation is your choice, not any poster’s.

[ Note: Opinions offensive to Christians may have been censored by TubaDiva. ]

“Don’t screw with the moderators and administrators.”

I dunno, stuff like intentionally posting lots of threads in the wrong forum would make more work for the mods – they’d have to straighten it all out.


The Power Of Christ: 2000 years and He hasn’t come yet!

Unless, of course, the poster in question decided to re-make a post so distasteful that it had already been removed once.

Oh, wait. You already knew that.

[expletive deleted]

I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!

I’d say deliberately impersonating a moderator would constitute an offense.

Patrick – If I weren’t married, I’d be happy to screw with you! :wink:



[ Note: Opinions offensive to Christians may have been censored by TubaDiva. ]

“Don’t screw with the moderators and administrators.”

::: swoon ::: klunk!

Saint Eutychus

There is a famous Calvin and Hobbes cartoon, where Calvin asks his father how they determine the weight limits for bridges. His father answers that they drive successively heavier trucks over a standard bridge, keeping track of the weight of the truck which finally causes the bridge to collapse.

Most of us are observers–when we see someone banned for violating the standards, we make a mental note to avoid doing what they did. Others figuratively drive the truck back and forth across the bridge, gleefully throwing in extra weight for each pass, until finally they plunge into the abyss, cheering a la “Doctor Strangelove” as they disappear into the darkness.

Yaaaah-hoo! I LIKE this analogy.

Proof once again that our Teeming Millions have that wisdom thing going on. :slight_smile:

your humble TubaDiva

{{The amount of work/aggravation is your choice, not any poster’s.}}

That’s right. We could save ourselves a ton of work if we just shut down the whole message board. And some days it’s AWFULLY tempting.


Don’t you dare, Lynn. I just quit smoking, and I cannot handle losing the MB as well. Do you want to be responsible for giving me lung cancer?

Mr. K’s Link of the Month: Why Plastic Grocery Bags Are Better Than God
“Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.” - Peter Tork

<sniff> <sniff>

Do I smell the brewings of some whiner about to go ballistic because he had his hand slapped for being a jerk and is now baiting the staff by begginning to build a straw mans’ case that the rules here are unjust and arbitrary?

Let me get the popcorn. Saw four such scuds shot down last year. Here’s the first of the new (year before the real) millennium.


It seems to me that barring any corrections such as moving threads that are in the wrong category or stopping any ‘offensive’illegal threads’ the moderators don’t have to put up with that much aggravation. They don’t have to get involved with the arguments of the members if they don’t want to. So if they want to jump at the bait of some members trying to goad them thats their fault.

Sorry that was suppose to be “offensive/illegal”

JCorre, you just walked into something you know nothing about.

dlv posted a post that was over the line, even for the pit, and it was deleted. Then he did it again, and was told not to do it again.

Now he’s whining. What Tuba did was completely within her job description, and that’s what’s being discussed.

The relative wisdom of the mods arguing with the posters doesn’t enter into it.


JCorre, you just walked into something you know nothing about.

dlv posted a post that was over the line, even for the pit, and it was deleted. Then he did it again, and was told not to do it again.

Now he’s whining. What Tuba did was completely within her job description, and that’s what’s being discussed.

The relative wisdom of the mods arguing with the posters doesn’t enter into it.


Mergans to heaventroid!

Melin, I must say that I am slightly shocked!

And here I had this fantasy that you had the hots for me.

A seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago.