Don't want to yell and froth at my parents tv tonight

So I’m going to do it here instead.

You stain, you fucking waste of flesh and skin, you stealer of air and thief of the precious oxygen real people need to live. I know a paramecium is a fucking Einstein level genius compared to you, but how dare you fucking sit there and degrade and ruin and destroy my country and all that I spent a decade of my life serving to defend and uphold. The best part of you was farted out by the dog your daddy fucked to conceive you, you are less than human to me now. I will not advocate your death but I will celebrate it with fireworks and champagne. I will make a pilgrimage to dance and piss on your grave. I will leave a shit on your gravestone in solemn joy. I mourn the day you were born.
Bill “should be behind” Bar(s) (barr baer?) Donald “the queef” trump, both of you are a disgrace, an embarrassment, a debit, a negative in the history of this once great country. The world is a better place without you and your willful ignorance

Christ on a bike, I don’t even remember what shit stain intelligence level crap those two were spouting now that set me off tonight.

Here’s the scary part: Most of the dumb shit motherfuckers that voted for Trump are going to do it again. There may even be some new voters who do so. This country, man, I’m telling you.

yeah i know😒 fuckin people…

Let it out man, don’t let it eat at you…

You know, once upoin a time the Daily Mirror asked “How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?” Little did they know…

Ah, that, that is good pitting.

I always liked that turn of phrase, yes.

Well, gee, DorkVader, there’s no need to mince words…

lol, that’s me, a paragon of restraint and decorum.

Have you ever told them how deeply disappointed you are in them and that you always wished your best friend’s parents would have adopted you?

Uh?..OH! Lol, yeah, got it.