I have a secret. oooOOOooo is it juicy. You probably even know the people it is about. And it involves…
But I can’t tell you cause I promised not to say.
Nope can’t tell.
I have a secret. oooOOOooo is it juicy. You probably even know the people it is about. And it involves…
But I can’t tell you cause I promised not to say.
Nope can’t tell.
Well you could at least tell us who it involves
I know this one guy whos sisters cousin whos boyfriend works with this girl that dated a guy who worked at red lobster that was managed buy the best friend of the drummer from who… no not that who the who.
Stop me anytime if you have heard this joke.
There were these two boys who went to visit their grandmother for summer break. These boys were 10 and 10 yrs old, they were twins. While visiting their aunt they played every day at–oops I should have said they went to visit their aunt not their grandmother–the local park. They swam and threw their football, no it should be a baseball and just had a grand time. One day grandmother, oops I mean their aunt, sent them to the store where they were suppose to buy a loaf of bread and some bolona. Well they got to playing and forgot to go to the store. When they got home their aunt asked where the stuff she sent them to the store for was. Well Joe said “we were playing and forgot” and Jimmy said “we will go right now”.
The aunt replied “go you twin and get me some bread and lunch meat”
no that isn’t the right punch line “aunt me some bread and lunch meat and don’t base your ball at me”
oops, I forgot the punch line.
I can’t do that, but I will give you a clue, it involves money, well not really, but it sorta does.
I want some of what deb2world is smokin’. Or, on second thoughts, maybe not…
Money, eh? Did you win the lotto?
Don’t you hate it when…
you’re juggling cats and one of them wakes up?
“Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinkin’…”
Don’t you hate it when Duke quits drinking?
psst: Post #1 of mine is “don’t you hate it when… someone tells you they have a secret but doesn’t tell you what it is”
Post #2 of mine is “can’t tell a joke/messes it up and then can’t remember the punch line” (worse the joke isn’t a real joke)
Post #3 of mine is “gives clue to secret that really isn’t a clue”
You’re throwing up in the toilet because you are just so sick, and then it hits you: you have diarrhea! I call it the classic double take.
You have amnesia?
Oh. OK. I think I’ll go back to reading some of Lobsang’s or Monty’s posts. They make more sense.
I call it the shomit.
It’s also the reason for an easily accessible cistern.
[sub]Following the trend…[/sub]
I call it “two exits, no waiting.”
It’s the best reason to always have a small plastic garbage can in the bathroom.
I have two things I really hate. Well, a lot more, but I’ll only list two.
#1: When the phone rings at 3 am and it’s some dopey relative or friend or inlaw saying “Hey! How you doing?” all cheery like, because they totally forgot that there is a 13+ hour time difference between the US and Japan. This has happened, often.
#2: “OOH!! Help me! HEEELLPP MEEEEE! Joh-moh-meh, Joh-moh-meh, wook what Asson is doing!” I run figuring it is an emergency. My three year old stepson is demanding that I observe his sister’s actions. I look and she sits there smiling gleefully. Her hand is in her diaper. “Asson pooped again!” he declares pointing at her. She laughs hysterically and pulls her hand out of the diaper, and wipes the poop somewhere. Anywhere. Everywhere!
:eek: Mom??