Does it strike you as odd that we have so many names for stuff that either doesn’t have a name of its own or else we can’t remember it – if we ever heard it to start with?
How many names for that sort of thing can we come up with?
Maybe that product I was trying to remember is a widgit. I know that a grommet is like an eyelet and so it’s a real name for a real thing, but this thing I’m trying to remember may be a variation on grommet and widgit or something fused from the two – or something totally different.
I have that Little Mermaid song in my head now.
".…I’ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty,
I’ve got whosits and whatzits galore.
Want a thingamabob?
I’ve got twenty!"
Frobnitz (pl. frobnitzem. Sometimes shortened to frob.)–An unspecified physical object, usually of a technological nature. Related terms frobnule, frobule, or frobozz may refer to either physical or nonphysical objects.
The verb frobnicate, which means roughly “manipulate a frobnitz” is also often shortened to frob. This can lead to constructions like, “Please frob that frob.” This sort of sentence may be confusing to the unintiated.
There is also gorets, the unknowable ur-noun, which can only be defined by implication. “The gorets were falling when the aliens came for our echinoderms.”
Sorry ** badbadrubberpiggy **, but Dealy-boppers are the antennaes on a headband.
Whatisface is the equivalent of whatzit for when you don’t know a persons name.
Sumnabitch = when you are frustrated that you can’t find the part and also can’t remember its name. “I was fixing the lawn mower and I lost that….sumanbitch in the grass.”
Really? I thought those were “feely-boppers”. Though that’s what the Dope is for, fighting ignorance & all!
I used to think “ooks” was a term my mom made up for those little picture-hangy gadgets. Then she bought me some when I got my first apartment, and I discovered that’s actually what the package says.