Doomsday in Marvel Comics

Suppose the monster capable of killing Superman instead showed up in the Marvel Universe (NOT the MCU).

On relatively short notice, could select members of The Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men stop the creature?

Obviously, Hulk would be in the mix, as well as the Thing, and maybe Colossus.

Thor and Tony Stark in the Hulk-buster Suit to round it out.

Meta answer: The point of Doomsday is that he can kill heroes. He destroys plot armor. He would murder as many Marvel heroes as necessary to prove that point.

In-fiction answer: Hulk is strongest there is.

In fiction Squirrel Girl beat Doctor Doom, so the answer is…anybody can beat Doomsday if the writer says so and the editor approves it.

A Hulk vs Doomsday fight would be pretty fun.

Anyone mentioning that must include this image. It’s the law.

So, Squirrel Girl could stop Doomsday. AND vex him.
End of thread. Sorry.


But since this is too fun of a thread, to just end, I was thinking that the DC heroes basically tried…
…hitting Doomsday, then hitting him hard, then harder, then reeeeally hard, and then Superman hit him super-hard.

But the Marvel bullpen has geniuses.

So I’m betting Reed Richards, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner could come up with The Ultimate 4D Chess Scientific Solution, while Dr. Strange and the Scarlet Witch worked on a magical one. And add in some Cosmic Shit from the Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, Captain Marvel, the Shi’ar, Thor and Loki and Odin … and, heck, One•Above•All, Marvel’s ultimate cheat code (yeah, he’s God).

Oh, you still want to try violence? Hey, Galactus, over here!

Doc Strange grins, waves his arms and sends him off, saying “Why don’t you go play with Dormammu for awhile?”.

The squirrels can’t crawl into Doomsday’s armor, because his armor is his skin.

Like Hulk, Doomsday can’t fly and had no projection powers. At least in his initial appearance. Any teleporter or powerful telekinitic could just put him in outer space.

Melee classes gain power at a linear rate as they level up. Magic users gain power quadratically as they level up.

A powerful wizard will always beat a powerful puncher.

IIRC (been a long time now) didn’t Superman (or someone) toss Doomsday to the end of time to get him out of the way? I completely forget how he managed it except that he had a gizmo to do it (magic or science I’m not sure).

Galactus would consider it beneath him, like he did in the comics version of the Infinity War (or Gauntlet? I get them confused).

Stan Lee’s answer to who would win in a fight was “It depends on the writer.”

That’s a classic quote. I’ll be using that in regards to many movie/show/book discussions.

Especially because one of my pet peeves is the “Plot-Driven Event”.

Doomsday’s main power is the ability to return back to life with complete immunity to whatever killed him. So any brute force attempt is doomed to fail eventually. Any physical hero like Hulk would be useless. Getting him safely out of the way without killing him is the only option, Dr. Strange is probably the best one for the job.

Or Nightcrawler bamfing with him to limbo and bamfing back without him.

The Infinity Gauntlet was the first series, followed by Infinity War and concluded with the Infinity Crusade.

Galactus was in the Infinity Gauntlet series as one of the opponents of Thanos, since he could sense that Thanos was creating a power imbalance in the universe.

Much later, Galactus sought to use the Infinity Stones himself to change into a being that no longer had to eat worlds to survive. He hated being the destroyer he was forced into. It didn’t work out well though.

Nightcrawler doesn’t teleport to Limbo, you are confusing him with Magik.

Nightcrawler (and Pixie) are short-range teleporters. If you want real distance, you gotta bring in Lila Cheney.

You gotta use the “at” symbol:

Hey, @Galactus, over here!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @Galactus display help .