Yes, it’s true. The Chance family is throwing another rip roaring party.
And this time it’s a Halloween Costume Party!
Prizes for best costume, silliest costume, etc…we’ll make them up as we go.
So come on all you dopers! Who’s game to see if I can top the grand “Cat in the Hat gives tractor rides while drunk on cheap wine” incident of 1998?
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2001
Time: 2PM to God alone knows when
Goody bags for all! We’ll make them up.
We’ll be serving beer, wine (Raspberry and Plum are my current favorites), hot food, cold food, snacks, candy, you name it.
Games will be played, friendships made and broken, chaos rules the land, things fall apart and all that fine stuff.
We don’t know if we’ll be having entertainment yet. At our Halloween parties we normally count on the guests to bring forth the entertainment!
So who’s with me here? Let’s hear from those travelling dopers! At the Spring party in June we had people from 8 states arrive. Can we go international this year? Only you can prevent it from happening.
I’ll say it again…
And, as an aside…
This is also my 1000th post. I’ve been saving it for just this announcement. It’s because I love you all so…
I plan to be there. And I plan to have the most original, yet fitting, costume. I just have to find the appropriate picture of the person I’m going to be.
Many of you will recognize me as this person. A few will not. And for now that’s all I’m going to say.
Yes, we have Halloween Costume Party here too,
but it has just been here for the latest years.
Many of things like this gets here from US.
But I’ve never been to one before,
so it would be fun to see how it is.
Anniz, we would be honored to have you present at our party. Let me know if I can make you feel at home by laying in anything unique to Sweden for you. As host, it’s my duty to make certain all of my guests are as comfortable as possible.
And I look forward to iampunha’s costume. How good can he be?
Oooo! Oooo! Us! Us! Are kids welcome at this one, too? 'Cause we all had a perfectly groovy time at your last party, and would love to come to this one.
OK, that’s one vote for 10 pounds of Candy Corn! Gotcha! Easy to deliver!
Note to self: ‘indian corn’? Last I heard Indian Corn was that decorative, un-eatable red and brown corn that my grandmother keeps putting on her walls.