I’ve been playing a little mental game with myself, lately, while reading posts in the various forums. It’s come to my attention that, no matter the forum, posters seem to follow some sort of logical progression in their style of posting. That said, here goes:
0-50 posts: Goo-goo ga-ga Hi, I’m a nice person, do you like me? /or/ I’m a complete fucking idiot, see you bastards later! /or/ I’m gonna feel my way around for a bit and test the waters.
50-100 posts: This is cool, have you guys heard about this one?
100-300 posts: OK, that may be true, but explain this one to me then smartypants…
300-500 posts: OK, I feel comfortable enough here to talk about some serious shit now.
500-1000 posts: (at this point, it gets a little forum specific) Socialite: This is what I’m all about. /or/ Debater: This is what I’m all about.
1000-1500 posts: I don’t give a good god-damned rat’s ass what you think, this is the way it is!
1500-Infinty: I’m still here people, are we going to talk about something interesting?
Of course, there are many exceptions to the rule and, obviously it’s much more complex than a linear chain of events. If I could create a decent hierarchy without having the UBB come out all fouled up, I might try such an undertaking. Then again, I’m a lazy bastard, anyway…
What do you think? Any better classifications or similar observations out there?
“Everybody wants a rock to tie a piece of string around!”