Doper novels

I seem to recall a couple threads in which a doper made reference to a novel s\he was writing and I figure with over 50,000 member there are going to be some novelists in there.

So, what are are they? Who wrote them?

Does it have to be published? :frowning:
I have three unpublished, two of which have been bouncing back and forth between publishing houses, collecting rejection notices for a few years now.

I was thinking recently of asking the same thing. If I recall, I specifically asked if I could see a copy.

It’s not a novel but I have an anthology of sci-fi short stories on my bedside stand that I’m rereading with a story by **vivalostwages **in it.

Well, I can’t read an un-published book. If you do get them published make sure to tell us!

What’s it called? Both the whole work and the indvidual story, I mean.

I’ll email this thread to her and let her decide if she wants to make it public.

Well, in high school I wrote a “Left Behind” style novella that is about 50 pages & nearly as good L- this was back in 1978, I believe.

About 10-13 years ago, I wrote a novella titled A TASTE OF ETERNITY from the POV of Renfield in Stoker’s DRACULA- it may be up on the Net somewhere…
No, I e-mailed it to some people but never posted it.

Well, I can’t read an un-published book. /QUOTE]

Shrug. I’ve taken to emailing the books to whoever wants to read them. I’ve become less than sanguine about getting published and at least this way SOMEONE gets to see them.

I’ve written about seven or eight novels. One was published by a major publisher. You can get it (and its sequel) from See my sig.

I’ve also have about 30 published short stories in pro SF markets.


I swear I posted a message yesterday about your books Chuck. Where did it go to?

Here is the thread that I was thinking of. Some dopers there were writing a novel and we were promised a peek.

I’m writing a novel. It’s science fiction in genre (god DAMN there are a lot of SF geeks on this board), and about two-thirds done. It’ll be completed in a few months, and I’ll start collecting rejection slips then. I wrote a novel before this one, but I won’t let anyone read it because it’s terrible and can’t be salvaged.

I’m primarily a short story writer though. I have two stories appearing in VERY small press publications this year, and I’ll post about them when they come out, as long as it doesn’t violate board policy wrt advertising. I’ve written over a dozen short stories in all, though I don’t know how many of them are actually good.

I haven’t got a novel, but a non-fiction book. I’ve got two more in the works, and I’m working on a science fiction story (I’m a geek, too)

There are several other non-fiction authors on the Board, most notably Eve.

Well, I’ve had a number of short stories, poems, non-fiction, etc. published in college publications, small press magazines, and anthologies–most of which usually had a contest running to gather stories.

The one Aes refers to is one that I’ve gotten stories into for the past three years. I’m going for this year as well.

Sorry, but saying that a work is “nearly as good” as a Left Behind novel is kind of like saying that a movie is nearly as good as Battlefield Earth.

A friend of mine just got a book of short stories published, and he’s using one of my photos (by me, not of me) for the cover.