Doper Rally in Toledo, the Armpit of the Nation

After the recent Ann Arbor assemblage, a germ of an idea sprouted for a gathering of the Teeming Millions in Toledo. One of the attendees, Sucellus, has kindly offered the use of his modest estate just outside the city limits to hold a Toledo meeting cum barbecue. Some of you have received e-mail to this effect. All we need do now is select a date. I think sometime in late March or early April would work well.

I’m hoping to find a weekend when Imthecowgodmoo is home from the University of Cincinnati, as well as a weekend when Drain Bead and Satan can come up from Columbus. It would be nice if we could attract some of the Cleveburgers also; PLDennision has expressed an interest in driving over from that way. Of course, anyone, who cares to make the trek, is welcome.

Sucellus and I will take care of all grog and grub; all you have to do is show up.

Oh he has, has he? Well if pl is coming, He’d darn well better bring Me!! Count me in…

Saturday, March 25th would be good.

any day is good for me! :slight_smile:

Count me as a tentative “yes.” I’ll just need a date. The date will determine whether or not I’ll bring Mr. Cristi.

Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.

The 25th would not be a good day for me. The Saturday before (March 18th) and after (April 1) would be a lot better for me.


“Distinguished” Sexy assistant to Head Honcho,
Self-Righteous Clique

If Toledo is the right armpit, then DC must be the left nipple and Atlanta the naval. Dare I speculate about Florida?

By the way, what exactly is a “cum barbecue”?

In·flam·ma·ble, a. Flammable.

Oh, another question… Since this is going to happen in late March or early April, Is this going to be a real by-gone “please let the sunshine gods like me today” backyard barbecue, or just a sitting-in-the-basement-playing-euchre-staring-at-the-walls-party? Because I will need to know what would be the perfect outfit to wear.


“Distinguished” Sexy assistant to Head Honcho,
Self-Righteous Clique

April 1st. Somehow that just seems so…appropriate.

Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.

It’s just like a regular barbecue, except with a special marinade.

SanibelMan - My Homepage
“All right. Have it your own way. Road to hell paved with unbought stuffed dogs. Not my fault.”

Since my spring break is March 19-27th I could drop by for a little grog and grub. I’m not quite sure how I’ll get home though. I have access to a vehicle, except I’m not sure I can drive it home. It’s in working condition, it’s just I share it, and the person I share it with has to stay in cincy over my break. (damn sisters with their stupid jobs!)

I’m sure I can con someone into taking me home. Maybe I’ll get one of the parental units to pick me up. I’m sure I’ll figure something out.

“People must think it must be fun to be a super genuis,
But they don’t realize how hard it is
to put up with all the idiots in the world.”
– Calvin and Hobbes

Se lets her dates decide whether she’ll bring her husband or not. How open-minded is that?

I never thought about it, but Florida does kinda look…um…like a…

Anyway, weather permitting, this will be a outside gathering. Since I have only a crawl-space, sitting in my basement will be something more than cozy.

My house is not very large, however, the backyard is big enough to accommodate many, many camping type setups.

There is a loft inside (currently unfurnished) where several people may sleep, pass-out, come down, chill out, recreate quietly or just entertain many of the native creatures which live in the area.

UB - leave the gerbils at home this time !

April 1 does indeed seem disturbingly proper for such an event. Anytime, however, is a good time to party.

As event time approaches, please inform UncleBeer or myself if you require any special dietary considerations - as long as it’s flame-broiled and once had parents. Vegetarians will be taunted but tolerated.

I also have extra camping equipment if you need it.

Rysdad: My husband is a musician, and he has some dates to play in March. He’d like to attend this get-together with me, but if he’s got to work, it won’t be possible for him to come along.

I’ve also got to see if I can rope Grandma & Grandpa into babysitting… :slight_smile:

Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.

If we do decide to do this on April 1, then I will be coming alone. My hubby enjoyed the last shindig, but he says that he will probably pass on the next one. (nothing against any of you)


Flee at once, all is discovered!

Cristi…I knew I shoulda put that smiley after my post. No offense intended, OK?

Rysdad: None taken! After I read your post, I thought maybe I should explain, so people wouldn’t think I was trying to ditch my husband or anything. Not that that would be a bad thing… :wink:

Hey Shadowfox, if you’re going to be going alone, wanna carpool?

Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.

Cristi, I wouldn’t mind carpooling. Of course, it depends on what route you plan on taking. I only live about a mile from I-94, which you could use to connect to I-75, which in turn you could take all the way to Toledo. Will talk about it more as the date gets closer.


Flee at once, all is discovered!

Seems like the 1st would be best for ol’ Otis and me. Not sure if he’ll be into coming considering the recent past of the board. We’ll see and don’t you all expect to see any fists in my mouth! [or anywhere else for that matter!]

“Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair…”
Tom Waits

April is definately better. March will probably hold a trip to Nashville and an overnight trip to the outlet mall with the gals in my family. Plus, I think we might get some better weather in April. I’ll be happy to bring a dessert and a salad, guys! I love to cook!

Uncle, thanks for you and Sucellus being the lead on this!