Some folks are talking about the current debates from various angles, and it occurred to me that it might be great fun to have some of our SDMB all-stars role playing as Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Condi Rice, and being debated by four other of our SDMB luminaries.
Bush and the rest might be fairly easy for our people to mimic, and I thought at first that the Dems would be too. But none of them has any overwhelming distincvtiveness, so what the hell, let theelucidators, Elvises, the Mr. Svinleshas and so on, simply represent themselves themselves - so long as they keep to the one rule, and that is TO KEEP IT LIGHT AND, IDEALLY, FUNNY.
So, if this is Okay so far, how abou1.
Those of you who agree to participate, write in and say what side you want to take, and if it’s on the RIGHT, what person you prefer to debate as.
How about others volunteering for the Debate Committee - to select the participants, set the rules, - topic, the length of each person’s rant(?), and so on.
We’ll also need a moderator.
Any other inputs. Like maybe the LEFT does indeed want to assume the identities of Dean Kerry, and so on.
Hope to hear from you.