i had an epiphany this afternoon.
as a result, i just got off the phone with the dive master, having officially - and primly - informed him that he has finally and completely corrupted the sweet young thing i was, once full of good, solid, presbyterian, down-home, midwestern values.
to wit:
for quite some time, i’ve been having trouble sleeping well at home in my own comfy, king-sized bed. imagine my confusion and concern! :dubious: why the hell was i having such difficulty sleeping thru the night? 7 am comes damn early when you’re looking at the clock and it’s telling you it’s 3, 4, 5, 6 am, and you’re not getting any rest! i’m sleeping just fine at his place, so what’s the deal??
at last, in desperation (this has been going on for months, mind you, maybe years?? i’m not so bright at times ) with bags under my eyes the size of texas - i could pack for the entire ncaa basketball schedule under there - i made a momentous decision. oh, hell. Why not? it was worth a try, since i was going to change the sheets the next evening anyway.
why not try it in the altogether?? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
okay. i know what you’re all thinkin’. work with me, here. you gotta understand a few things: sleep in the RAW? IN *MY * FAMILY?? such things ARE NOT DONE!
this is all fine for me at the dive master’s abode, mind you. he’s laid back about such things and i picked that up from him a long time ago. sleeping in the nude at his place is just fine, okay, no prob. comfy, even.
but to do that AT MY PLACE???
horrors! the shock of it all! nice girls don’t do such things as that! sleep in the nude in your own home? what’s the world coming to???
yeah. all that. whatever. :rolleyes:
completely flouting convention and everything i’d ever been taught about being a good girl with good morals, i tossed every scrap of that out the window, crawled into my own king-sized bed monday night – sans nightwear – and zonked out cold for somewhere in the neighborhood of eight full hours. and again on tuesday night. hmmm, i thought. methinks there is something to this!
after being informed of my recent activities, the dive master (while busily snorting with laughter) promptly told me i had, and i quote, ‘you have **way ** too much time on your hands!’
never mind that right now. i’ve learned something about myself. the last two nights have been… enlightening.
so, fellow dopers, i put it to you: nnaked, or nightwear?