Dopers, I need to apologize and change my ways..

One of my favorite Dopers. Offering you a hug.


PS: Hey! Watch the hump, there, babe! :smiley:

True class.

Very well. :slight_smile:

Well done Flam, you’re a cool bird to talk to, I knew you had it in ya to do the right thing! Hehe

Moderator’s Notes:

Watch your step dantheman. Your statement is, how shall I say, a bit insulting. It’s not really something that sould be in this forum.

My sincerest apologies. I thought it was a relevant comment that pointed out the benefits of posting the thread here rather than in another forum.

And I’ll agree with you wholeheartedly.

Excellent post, Flam.

I don’t think she has suffered enough! She deserves a good spanking!

Then again, maybe she’d like that … :wink:

I can certainly see UncleBeer’s point. It’s a valid one right enough.

But dantheman’s post was funny (and reasonably accurate).

Thanks, LoadedDog. So there, Uncle Beer! Nyah, nyah, nyah!

Hey, Flams, good going. I still think of you as my buddy from my early days on the boards, since we joined around the same time. :slight_smile:

I mean, I’ve considered apologizing to the entire SDMB community for all of the ridiculous and silly posts I made before I got sober… (Like all of that unnecessary TMI stuff about my sex life… remember “Ever hear of AIDS!!!” and the whole condom thing? :rolleyes: ) I still might do that, but not before my one year sober party thread (next Tuesday). :slight_smile:

Well said Flami. Congratulations.

Moderator’s Notes:

Perhaps. But the leveling of such an insult at certain peoples (and yes, I pretty much know the specific persons at whom you are aiming your insult, since I’ve followed the recent postings at the LJ SDMB community) simply is not permitted in this forum. Also, since your comment is made within the context of events that have taken place off the SD site itself, it is further out of bounds here.

I know you’re only jesting, Dan, but it would be considered wise by most people that you do not taunt a staff member in any fashion immediately after receiving a note to watch your step.

And apology accepted, but perhaps it should be directed to those you’ve labeled “preening psychotics,” rather than myself.

Flamsterette, it is extremely difficult for someone to humble themselves and apologize in such a manner. There have been numerous times on the SDMB when I’ve thought such contrition was appropriate and even necessary, but few have been able to come through and actually do it.

I respect you for doing this. Well done.

Uncle Beer is right. I should not have said what I said. I said it in a moment of pique. My apologies to everyone, especially Flamsterette, who has a perfectly good apology thread going.

I shouldn’t have stirred the pot either. Sorry guys.

Very classy, Flamsterette. (And dantheman and TheLoadedDog, for that matter.) No blaming, no excuses–that is how an apology is done.

Very big of you, Flam. Welcome back.

I’ll add my kudos as well. It IS hard to apologize even when you know you should do it.

Now can you teach me to think before I post?:wink: :smiley: