I thought it was the biggest load of nonsense I’ve subjected myself to for a very long time.
I don’t see why people rave about Russell T. Davis as a writer if that’s the best he can come up with. The plot was so filled with holes you could drive a bus through it and he obviously did exactly zero “research” into the military before shoe-horning it into his ridiculous plot.
I thought the aliens were going to kick-start a Third World War as a sort of intergalactic Reality TV show and the ads were being broadcast to get an audience, that makes more sense than what the writer came up with.
Several points in no particular order:
Why did the device affect all the aliens when one each was needed for the UNIT personell?
The CGI was again crap.
So Harpoons are cruise missiles now? They aren’t even carried by submarines as far as I know.
I didn’t realise England has a seat at the United Nations.
The UK gave control of its nuclear assets to the UN?!? Wise policy that.
Nuclear weapons wouldn’t turn the entire surface of the earth to molten glass and btw the population is 6 billion+ not 5 billion. Also they couldn’t be used to attack a spaceship in orbit in the first place.
The aliens planned to hide in their spaceship at what would most likely be ground-zero of an atomic barrage?!?
Super-secure internet site has “buffalo” for all its passwords? And its capable of remote-controlling British submarines?!? I feel safer already.
The actress playing Rose’s mother can’t act for toffee and the whole family stuff was contrived and out of place.
The whole Gulf War, weapons of mass destruction, 45 seconds stuff was pathetically done.
There were more problems but I can’t think of them right now in summary I like my TV shows, even sci-fi shows, to have some sort of grasp of reality.