Drive thru's how do I hate thee.... let me count the ways

Ok, I understand why drive thru’s exist. Though I hate the way thru is spelled, it looks lazy, and that frankly is what it is. Now don’t get me wrong, I use drive thru’s all the time, I’m lazy. Bagh.

Let me count the ways…
1- mumble mumble mumble… if you have a low or soft voice, the drive thru is not for you. My drive thru is not crystal clear, and I imagine many others are not as well, you either need to speak up, or come inside.
2- I WANT A !!!- Look, you if you have a yelling kind of voice, please step away from my speaker, and yell it from the other side of the car.
3- If the passenger is ordering please refer to number one. I cannot HEAR YOU!
4- If you don’t know what you want, why did you just pull up to the speaker?? I’ll gladly give you time, but if there is three cars behind you, you’re pissing more than me off.
5- If you change your order, I have to go back and erase it line by line, item by item. I’m sorry you no longer want the 12 piece stuff your face meal… know what you want and order just that.
6- Are you smoking?!!?! I’m a smoker and I know that’s rude, hello?
7- Are you talking on your cell phone? Sorry if the gravy spills onto another piece of food, we wern’t paying attention either.
8- For the LAST TIME! We do NOT carry the honey boneless BBQ wings right now, when there is popcorn, there is no BBQ, it’s a summer thing, get over it!!! Be nice about it and I’ll tell you that if you get the crispy strips and get the BBQ dipping sauce, it’s the same thing! If not suffer. Matters not to me.
9- We also do not have cornbread, corn as a side, though it’s on the buffet, mean greens, and most of the sandwhiches. We’re not a corporate store, we do not have to carry them, don’t like it? Here’s a comment card, there’s none in the store to serve you, no, I’m not lying, Get the Hell out of my Drive thru!
10- Popcorn shrimp? Hello… This is not LJS, I always correct them on this, cause you never know, they might be confused, or STUPID! And no it’s not FUNNY.
11- They’re potato wedges, not Fries, and mojo’s. (WTF?)
A few other rants not drive thru.

-What part of Buffet is Dine In only, do you not understand?
-What part of sharing dinners means you will have to pay full price for the buffet do you not understand? I don’t care if it was one bite, you’ve been chewing that “bite” for the last 10 minutes.
-We have to charge for your water, I don’t care how stupid you think it is, it’s policy, don’t like it? Write to the company, nothing we little people can do about it.
-The same way with the prices, if you don’t want to pay that much WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU HERE??

Thanks so much, have a wonderful day, Visit us again.

(also posted in my LJ)

Smoking in drive thru’s. So freaking rude. I went out with a guy who did that and would get pissed when I would insist he put it out. I’m a smoker too, and I knew you just didn’t do that. Of course, he would also smoke when standing in lines, outside. Yes, the kinds that make ALL of us look like inconsiderate assholes.


lezlers: And I’m just the sort of pissy asthmatic bitch that would call your bf on it… publicly… and loudly. :slight_smile:

One of these days I really need to pit smokers…

But thanks for the info on the crispy strips with sauce! Man I love them bbq wings…

The BBQ Wings Rock!!!
I am learning all of the Colonial’s “Secrets”…
One day I might find out what’s in the breading…

What sort of alternate bizzaro world are you from where the same restaurant has buffets and a drive-thru?

Where do you work? McRyan’s? Old Country In and Out? 7-11-bees?


Alternate bizzaro world aside, (thats for another thread)
I work for KFC. Not all have the above, we’re just lucky plucky that way.

"umm, yeah,…

I’m gonna need like, 20 beef, bean and cheese burritos, and don’t put no damn rice in them burritos man!

Umm, yeah…

gimme, like 2,…no, no 3 cokes…

Hey, do you like, take change?, cause all I got is pennies…"

Unless they are blowing smoke directly in your little drive-in window itself, why do you care that people are smoking in their own gd cars? :confused:

OMG, do not get me started on the “Ummmmm” “Ahhhh” hee hawing crowd.

When you open the window, it seems like all the air from the outside, car exhaust and all, come rolling right in the window in your face.
So it doesn’t matter that they’re not blowing it in my face, it’s still surrounding me, and I’m only one of two smokers in my store, so I can imagine how the non-smokers feel about this.
And none the matter, it’s rude.

Did I hit a nerve? :smiley:

Nah, I just sit back and listen…

Customer: I’d like ummmm…

ME: I’m sorry, we’re fresh out of those today, can I interest you in some chicken?

heehee. Got me a stern look from the area director for that one.

I don’t usually get annoyed a people in a rant, but, hey, pick a bitch.

WE don’t know what your head phones are like; WE don’t know if you need us to shout over the car noise, or whisper into your delicate little ears. We shout at you because you were so pissy the last time when we spoke in a normal voice.

Why am I defending people in drive through lines? People in drive throughs are frequently brain dead. They sit in line for the drive through, backed up onto the street, when there is NO ONE in the store.

I take it all back, complain about them all you want.

Except you get car exhaust from every car, but smoke from only about 25% of the cars, based on the number of adult smokers in the U.S. Seems odd to complain about one in light of the other.

In other words, it’s like complaining about chicken farts on a pig farm.

Because you can’t see the menu unless you’re pulled up to the speaker? Yeah, I don’t like it when I’m sitting behind someone trying to decide, but I can’t really blame them.

That’s quite a hardship. Some of those orders are probably what, six, seven lines? You must wear your finger out on that delete key.

I’ve been smoking in drive thru’s since I learned how to drive. I worked in a McDonald’s drive thru. Many of the customers who came through smoked. I never heard any of my co-workers or anyone complain about this practice until I read your post. I also never noticed or heard anyone else mention the smell of tobacco smoke in the drive thru area.

If you understand what the customer wants, why the hell do need to correct them? Shit, maybe if you’d have given them time to look at the menu in the first place, they’d be more familiar with the terminology. Instead they probably get a bit flustered and make mistakes when speaking before the dreaded Fried Chicken Nazi.

Damn potato wedges are always cold anyway…

Morigoon, that’s one of the reasons he’s my X, complete disregard for anyone but himself. And there have been many pittings on smokers. Best not open that can again.

To others: It’s rude because when you’re stuck in a car and the car in front of you is smoking (or behind you, depending on how the wind is going), the smoke usually goes into your car. Even if you roll up your windows, it comes in through your vents. At a stoplight, it’s one thing, you’re not sitting there for more than a minute (as you’re prone to do in a line, at a drive thru). It’s the equivalent of smoking whilst standing in line. It’s rude. Not to mention making the poor drive thru person inhale your smoke.

By the way, this is coming from a smoker, so it’s not typical anti-smoker ranting.

ooo you wanna know what I hated the most working in drive through?

Anyone with loud cars. Damnit people if you have to turn your stereo up to full blast just to hear the music over the sound of your car then maybe you need to turn off your car when you reach the speaker. Same with the stereo.

We have these headsets on, sometimes they are crappy but y’know it just makes it worse if you deafen us with your music and loud vehicles. Then we have to try and scramble out what you’re ordering and we’re deafened for the next hour and nigh unable to make out anything anyone else says.

I always liked the polite ones who did that. I worked at a Tim Horton’s and only 2… 2!! customers ever did that. My father was one and the other was another older gentleman who also drove a diesel. My brother always came inside lol (he had a loud car too)

First to milroyj- Ok, so I didn’t get it on with the people with the bad exhaust. People need to keep up better on their car maintenance, and yes, I consider that rude as well. To each their own.

j66-I actually do ask them to speak up, or turn the volume down if they happen to be yelling. It’s those who are in either or that get me, there are far more people who come out just fine…

neutron star- It’s annoying, I was ranting about it, because there are so many of them. I could understand a little indecision, but there are times when we’re there for over five minutes, and we’ve got five or more cars behind them, if you’re going to take that long, I’m just asking that you come inside and peruse the menu overhead at your leisure.

And as far as my fingers getting tired, that’s not the case, when you change your mind, go ahead with your new order, and then expect the total right then. It’s not going to happen, I have to enter my manager number, change order, curser up to the lines to be deleted, line by line, it could take a minute or two.

And it is rude to smoke at the drive thru, I am a smoker, and I’m not the only smoker to feel that way. And I know plenty more non-smokers who feel more strongly about this than I do. It doesn’t linger in the air, and the whole transaction is over quickly. I just don’t think it’s right. IMO. Plain out.

I feel the need to correct them in the same way I feel the need to correct spelling, sometimes my own, and others. I don’t do it to be snarky, we don’t have popcorn shrimp on the menu, so to order it is incorrect, it bothers me, and if it makes me the Fried Chicken Nazi, so be it.

But when someone says “fries,” you know they mean “potato wedges.”

Uh, so why do you have a problem with it?

Okay, but you could have said that in the OP. Instead you said “I’m sorry you no longer want the 12 piece stuff your face meal… know what you want and order just that.” First it was the very idea of a customer changing his order that offended you. Now it’s only bad if he changes his order, then demands the total before you have a chance to calculate it.

See milroyj’s “pig farts on a chicken farm” explanation. I’ve smelled nasty exhaust fumes in drive thru’s more times than I can count, but I can’t ever recall catching a whiff of someone else’s cigarette.