dropzone? A word please.

What the fuck is your malfunction? Over in the JonBenet thread I said this:

Of course, as Frank pointed out, not everyone uses Holiday Season, or simply The Holidays. Works for me, just never heard the phrase Christmas Holidays.

To which you reply:

What the fuck was I complaining about shitmouth? I’m well aware there are a number of religious days around that time of the year. The Epiphany is not Christmas. They’re different. Technically, we’d have to include Easter as a Christmas Holiday by your reasoning.

It’s a phrase used by some to talk about the time of year. One I had never heard before this. That’s what threw me.

Now if anyone can show me where there was a complaint or hostility, please do. Otherwise, dropzone, shut your fucking mouth.

This years nominations for SDMB’s Most Trivial Issue Pitted Award are open.

Dude. Take offense easily? Why not ask for an explanation, or just yell at him over in that other thread-- it was in the Pit afterall.

I had an Epiphany once. It was the realization that some people here take offense at the drop of a hat. This isn’t quite as lame as the two times I was pitted, but pretty damn low on the Richter scale.

I’d say dropzone was a bit cranky when replying to you, and you, being a little cranky yourself when reading it. upped the ante.

Can’t we all just get along?*

  • Rodney King

The Feast of the Epiphany (Jan. 6) is sometimes known as “Little Christmas”; I understand that in Mexico, at least, it is a MAJOR holiday of the Christmas season (perhaps it also is in other Spanish-speaking countries).

Perhaps you’ve never encountered it, duffer, but “Christmas Holidays” is a pretty common term for a period of indeterminate length, that tends to include the Christmas vacation that schoolkids take off, and sometimes also the entire “twelve days of Christmas,” that time between the Nativity and the visit from the three wise men.

I take it you don’t have a Christmas creche in the duffer household that you haul out every winter and set up on the coffee table.

Anyway, the point is, there’s nothing particularly exotic or unusual about the term “Christmas Holidays.”

But dropzone ending his post with “Find something else to complain about” was kind of dickish. Pittable-grade dickish? Nah.

I agree, this was a dumb thing to say.

If we discourage duffer from pursuing pissant complaints, next thing you know he’ll be starting another thread about the Anti-Smoking Cabal™

Then this will be pitting number three. You put a period after “it,” when it should have been a comma. GODDAMN YOU!!!11!!!1!

You are the WORST motherfucking proofreader EVER!

Can’t we all just get along?* SHOULD have been in quotes. Dumbshit wannabe editor! If you start a job you better finish it, fuckwad!

Meh. Shoulda mentioned it wasn’t Earth-shattering in the title, but I didn’t want to blow up in the other thread. If it’s not interesting and unwarranted of a thread, let it die. I said what I wanted to while keeping it from becoming an issue in an unrelated thread, so there it is.

Again, I’ve never heard of Christmas Holidays. It was a rather honest question I asked. If bitching about it makes me oversensative, so be it. Still seems a rather assholish response in that thread. Whatever. It’s out of my system.

Or both of them could grow a skin.

Really, people. A few years ago, I was cracking up laughing at a certain meltdown in the Pit, and when I showed the thread to Mr. Rilch, he shrugged and said, “That’s what happens when you make the board your life.” Earlier this week, we had a poster leave in a rage because one person didn’t like him. We’ve got pittings, and pittings about pittings, and pittings about those pittings. Interaction here should not be so bloody crucial.

Well, after taking the lead in negotiating the UN cease fire agreement in Lebanon (and props to them for doing so), France stepped up to the plate today and demonstrated to the world their commitment to the deal by committing 200 troops to the peacekeeping force.

Whoop de fucking do. Hope Hezbollah doesn’t have a girl scout auxiliary that’s feeling ornery, otherwise the French might wind up with sunburned armpits. Coming soon to E-bay Beirut: good deals on French rifles; never fired and only dropped once.

Seriously, is it too much to expect countries that put themselves at the forefront of the efforts to negotiate a cease fire to actually, you know, support that cease fire when it is accepted by the combatants? To put their money where their mouth is in other words? They are leading the UN effort for Christ’s sake, sending only 200 troops is pathetic.

Okay, is that the most surreal comment we’ve had in a while or what?


Hey, I put my new OP in a totally unrelated thread. Yea me. I rock at this message board stuff.
er…I mean…That outta show you duffer! You too, Dropzone!

Mods? Delete if you please?

Fuck off, you stupid nonsmoker.

Oh you should be so lucky. The contempt. Unbelievable.

GODDAMN YOU!!!11!!!1!

Well, I guess at least one person is on my side. :smiley:

Huh? If this is a joke, I’m being whooshed, if you’re serious, I reposted that as it’s own thread, you can beat me up about it all you want over there.

I think if you read this entire thread and pay attention to saorise’s other post, you’ll see that it is, in fact, a whoosh.

So duffer’s attacking Christmas now? Fucking Democrats. I bet he even makes his family use white napkins.

Weirddave, it’s = its. The word you are looking for, both here and in your thread title, is ITS.

What the fuck is your malfuction, shitmouth?!?


Isn’t senseless nitpicking fun for the whole family?

Nothing personal, duffer, it’s just that this thread has to be the pettiest Pitting I’ve ever seen. You’ve never heard of the Christmas holidays? I mean, honestly, is that just a blank spot in your brain or are you being disingenuous? Ever heard of that old classic, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”? That’s what it refers to, so now you know.

Come on. Maybe dropzone was a little snotty, but this is a PIT THREAD you are citing. Walk it off.