Drugs are bad, mmmmkay

Help! I need to pass a drug test on March 10th. I’ve been a chronic user for years. I’ve been clean for a week, but I am almost 100% positive I will fail. I have been bombarded online with detox pills, drinks, kits, etc. What works? I am desperate!



I made a pact with myself to quit on my 21st birthday, and I should have quit a week or two earlier. There has to be something I can do, some pothead like myself that can help me out with some good advice :frowning:

A tall, frosty glass of malt vinegar. Or maybe that’s supposed to be pickle juice. I hear a magadose of niacin works well also. I’ve never tried any of those myself, but according to common (at least among pot smokers) wisdom they work. Then again, we all know what a reliable foutain of knowledge your average stoner is.

Sorry - I thought you meant Class-A. With dope just tell them it’s for cronic back pain. Then a doctors note is all you need, to say that you have back pain.

I see a few flaws in your plan

I live in NY, I’m pretty sure the medical marijuana approach wont work (or will it?)
Its for the post office, so its federal

I think I am screwed, because I’ve been researching this all night and it seems the only way to pass is to drink lots of water, but they wont take the sample if it is diluted because it will look clear :frowning:


your local headshop should have de-tox stuff. I’m not sure how well it works, but it can’t hurt.

Mr Ferdinand? Is that you?

I guess its worth a try, thanxs for the info ppl

This isn’t something I would have any direct knowledge of not being a dope smoker, however:

Is there no way you can get the test delayed a week or two?

If you fail it will there be any knock-on (permanent record) that would mean it would be better not to do the test rather than to fail it?

The only proven method that works is “time”. Try to delay it if you can. And the medical usage thing probably won’t work either, unless you have a doctors note. Good luck.

LOTS of Time.

Even to letting all your hair grow out and then some.

Some drug test will pick up on hair samples.

Depends on how picky they are.

Too soon old, and too late schmart!

LOTS of Time.

Even to letting all your hair grow out and then some.

Some drug tests will pick up on hair samples.

Depends on how picky they are.

Too soon old, and too late schmart!

If it is a urine test drink nothing but water till the test it will many times dilute your urine so much that they will have to do another test, if they ask you why it’s like that just say water is all you drink. If they take a hair sample I would say your screwed as depending on the length they can go back a very long time…shave your head I guess?

I once heard that a trick in the military is to grow one fingernail long and put some salt under it. When you shake the drips, flick the salt into the sample. Apparently this sends the results so haywire that they classify it as a contaminated sample and ask you to go for another test, thus buying you a couple of extra weeks.

Are there any military drug addicts who can confirm this? I heard it ages ago from someone who worked on a US airbase in East Anglia, circa 1986.

Don’t do the salt or bleach “trick”. Some testing facilities test for contamination such as this and will fail you, regardless of a presence of a drug.

Nothing but time works. But many drug tests are poor indicators, so you have a decent chance of showing a negative anyway.
If someone has a hair based test and it comes out positive, what would happen if that person then claims someone they live with is a chronic user of pot, but that they avoid it themselves. Does the post office then have to use another more ‘personal’ test (blood, urine), or are they allowed to reject someone because they live with a pot user?

We can’t help you circumvent the law by defeating a drug test.

This is closed.

DrMatrix - GQ Moderator