Dude! I'm coming to America!

Really! After discussions with my other half, we have decided that we’re YOUNG dammit and even though we have no money we want to travel, see things, do stuff. So we’re going to work our asses off for the next three months and we shall be in the US, for the very first time in our lives, in October. Just in time for… the Octobedopefest! I am SO there! [sub](I’ll post in that thread on Monday after the board reshuffle).[/sub] Can you tell I’m excited? :smiley:

The details are VERY nebulous at the moment - how long we’ll be in the US, where we’ll go, what we’ll do. We did agree that we’ll make a deal with anyone who puts us up - offer us a bed and we shall cook for you. You don’t want to miss the culinary experience that is our cooking do you now? Advice re: cheap tickets is welcomed.

I’m SO excited!


Outstanding, Fran! Welcome to my country! Check your bags at the gate.

That is fabulous!

I can’t wait to meet you :slight_smile:

You know I’ll be the first one at the ariport terminal with the sign that reads “moo”. :smiley:

Er, Dopetoberfest. Yeah. I knew that.

I’m still excited! Woo!

Fran! That is so exciting! Woo!
Too bad I am on the East Coast and can’t make it to DopetoberFest :frowning:
Maybe you can stop in NY on the way back? :slight_smile:


Well, even though I know you don’t mean **OhDope, I’d be a fool to miss meeting you, so I guess I’ll have to plan yet another trip out West, now.

I get to meet Fran!! Wooooo!

You are welcome to stay as LONG as you like.

Hope to see you in CA, or FL, or wherever…


Yeah Fran! :slight_smile: If you’re ever in the Atlanta area - give me a call…

Fran, any chance you can swing by the DC area in late October? Jonathan Chance is having a dopefest for Halloween (so he said in the dopefest about the June 2 gathering) and it shore would be a convenient way for you to meet lots of your own:)

Yes, indeed!

Thanks iampunha (are you EVER going to capitalize that?

Here’s the first board-wide announcement…

Saturday, October 27, 2001 beginning at 2PM, ending God alone knows when…

Jonathan and Lady Chance’s annual Halloween Party, now including Dopefest.

Food, wine, games, music, and, if we can pull it off, a labyrinth.

Francesca? If you’re anywhere on the east coast, you must come. Bring a costume. PLEEZE?

I dunno . . . I’ve considered a few changes, such as to punha or Iampunha, but this is my login for so many things that it would only complicate matters were oneof my logins to change.

My Halloween costume will be spoken of for years.

Why, you ask?

Because I will be coming as a doper. A doper who is not myself.