Dumb question about posting etiquette (I am not an English major). . .

Well, here goes:

I’m sitting here after a shower in my knickers, sipping my hot cup of coffe, and I was just about to quote someone when it hit me. If I’m posting a Doper’s name in the possessive, do I bold the " 's " too? For example:

Tripler’s thread is really mundane.


Tripler’s thread is really mundane.

Which one is “more correct”? Not that I’m trying to be all nitpicky and stuff, but I like to be somewhat legible and intelligent when I bang on a keyboard [sub]even after a night ‘o’ drinkin’[/sub].

So, what’s the skinny? I also open this thread up to other questions of the sort.

. . . or even the morning after a night ‘o’ hard drinkin’ [sub]my folks are here from New Jersey! Woo![/sub]

I have another dumb question.

Suppose a user name does not begin with a capitol letter and that you want to begin a sentence with that poster’s name?

Do you capitolize it? Do you, like me, recompose the sentence to avoid the problem?

I don’t bold the ‘s’, and I write usernames the exact same way the owner does.

I don’t bold the 's, nor do I uppercase a user’s name at the start of a sentence.

ultrafilter’s method is the same as mine.

Same here.

Since our names are now hyperlinks instead of bold characters, I generally do not bold other poster’s names anymore. I mean, we weren’t just bolding them to make vanity drive-bys easier, were we?

Of course I meant to say ". . . our names are now hyperlinks instead of bold characters . . .


“other posters’”

(I am an English major :))

We could make make other usernames hyperlinks, like so.

…or not.


I should’ve just left off the fluff and said “hyperlinks instead of bold characters” because I knew someone would inevitably say “well we can’t very well hyperlink everyone!” I just type them normal. A lot of times it’s almost distracting to me to see a username in bold because I try in my head to add some emphasis that just isn’t there.

I bold names too, and I don’t shower in my knickers.

(rjk eats, shoots and leaves. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Same. Unfortunately, there seems to be a “capital by default” crowd around here and it isn’t unusual for me to catch my name somehow inheriting an I where the i should be:)

Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s not worth saying anything, but my name is not Ultrafilter, dammit!

Or a capital letter, even… ;j

Well, the word “well” isn’t normally capitalized, but it is when it begins a sentence. Thus, I don’t think it’s incorrect to type “Ultrafilter disagrees”, but I also believe in calling a person what he/she wishes to be called. So I generally take the approach you do and find a way to begin the sentence with a more “neutral” word.

As you may have noticed, I not only made direct reference to your confusion of capital and capitol, but subsequently corrected the spelling of “capitalize” in quoting your post. Since fighting ignorance* is one of the aims of this board, I’ve made similar “edits” in quoting other messages. Do any other Dopers (or should that be Dopers?) have opinions, pro or con, on this practice?

  • Yes, I realize that the poster’s error may have been a mere typo, but other readers can still benefit from seeing the correct spelling.

I use the same method as most in this thread do although now I’m curious about something: for those that don’t like their names capitalized or otherwise changed, how do you feel about shortenings? If Ultrafilter and Iampunha bothers you so much, what about **ultra **and punha?

I used to do this all the bleepin’ time. Then it occurred to me that I didn’t have to prove my worth by correcting everyone else - and even more, that I didn’t endear myself to much of anyone by being resident MPSIMS Spellchecker.

I still do it (subtly, I think) on occasion, but when I do I try to have something else to say just so I’m not posting for the sake of playing spelling teacher:) If it’s someone I know well enough, I’ll rib that person a little. If it’s someone new but it’s a distinction I think is important (or just really fucking grates on me) I’ll at least try to be polite about it.

Re: name shortenings, I sure as hell don’t mind that. I’d rather punha than 'punha or 'pun because A) I think it’s a bit nitpicky and B) nobody ever types, for example, Lib’ or R.N.AT.B..

I don’t care if people capitalize my name or not. I wrote lower case because I think it looks purdier that way.

Bold just the username, as is, even if it’s at the beginning of a sentence.

Next time, try waiting until you’re done shooting before you eat, you may score and not have to leave.

!010011010 has got it right.

SEE what could happen?!