Or a DVD, for that matter.
Awright, put yourself in this situation:
It’s afternoon. You’re bored. You’ve got nothing to do this evening. You decide to head to the video place, have a look, see what’s available, see if anything flips your switch and demands to be taken home and seen, right?
You scan the shelves. Thousands of videos and DVDs, all screaming for your attention, your money, your love.
Over the years, there are a few things I’ve noticed… that when you see them, you should NOT RENT THAT VIDEO. I have decided to post them, partly to pass on the knowledge, and partly in the hopes that my fellow Dopers will add to the list, that I may learn from my brethren.
Well, yeah. Lots of movies have awesome special effects. In fact, these days, MOST movies have awesome special effects.
…but when they make a point of TELLING YOU HOW GREAT THEY ARE ON THE BOX, you are looking at a dog, and no mistake. Movies like Star Wars don’t say a damn thing about the special effects, unless they want to tell you about Oscar nominations.
Turds, on the other hand, grope at straws, to mix a metaphor. They must take advantage of ALL their meager selling points… and so they will crow about how fantastic their special effects are. I have never seen a decent movie that actually bragged about its SFX on the box.
Dr. No, starring Sean Connery. This is a good movie. It also assumes you know who the hell Sean Connery is, or it doesn’t care, because it knows it’s a good movie. It’s not insecure.
Critters, starring Leonardo “Titanic” DiCaprio. This is not a very good movie. It’s hoping you will rent it because it has a seven-year-old Leo DiCaprio in it for all of ten minutes, and after all, didn’t we all just love him in Titanic? THIS movie is insecure.
Big Waste Of Time, starring Wang “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” “Killer Waterbed” Ka. This is a baaaad movie. It’s hoping you’ve heard of Wang-Ka, and, ghod willing, liked his previous work, and if you haven’t, it’ll put TWO or THREE movie titles between his first name and his last, in the hope that MAYBE you saw at least ONE of these, and, ghod willing, will MAYBE associate them with this utter dog of a movie long enough for them to get your four bucks away from you…
ONE movie title between the actors’ first and last names: Marginal. Might be good, but risky.
TWO movie titles: Probably pretty bad.
THREE movie titles: Run screaming from the aisle. This movie is so bad, it may actually infect the other movies on the rack with it…
I have yet to see a movie that was any good that had a holographic decal on the box… or a little LED battery light winking off and on on the box… or any other weird cutesy little trick on the box. This is bad. This is a sign of desperation. This means the movie is SO BAD, they’re willing to spend extra money on the BOX, just to get your attention… in short, if a video box has any other gimmick than good art (and maybe embossed print), stay clear of it.
…and that’s about all I can think of, off the top of my head. Anyone else got any tips to add?