Earthquake in L.A., about 17:00 hrs

We just had an earthquake. About time something interesting happened around here. A neighbour’s window shattered.

Where exactly are you at, Johnny?

:::bats eyelashes::: Can you answer me in my thread? I’d hate for it to get locked…

West Soid!!! By the 405/10 interchange.

Hey Johnny, is that anywhere near Norwalk? My grandfather lives there, but I’m not current on LA-area geography. Any word on how bad it was yet?

No, it’s nowhere near Norwalk. I think that’s about 24 miles east of here. Let’s see if my mapquest link works. I’m at the start, Norwalk is at the end.

Apparently just a mild-moderate one at around 4.2.

Nope. The link doesn’t work. But you can put in Los Angeles 90034 and Norwalk to see where it is in relation to me.

Monster: I’ve heard reports of 2.0 quakes in the midwest that freak people out. L The only thing that fell in my apartment was a fork that was on the counter.

Didn’t feel a thing here!

You mean the earth didn’t move for you, Ruffian?

From, hmm…, I think from the Washington Post:

Thanks, Johnny. I called my mom, who in turn called my grandpa, and then she called me back. He didn’t feel anything in Norwalk. He wasn’t even aware there was an earthquake until my mom called and told him.

That makes since. West Hollywood is fairly close.

Didn’t feel nuffin’ in San Diego.

Those poor drag queens in WeHo must have all fallen over! Oh, the humanity!


The earth didn’t move down here in Redondo Beach, either.

Of course, that’s only because Spiny Norman’s so far away :frowning: (Hi Honey!).

I really appreciate your consideration in avoiding stepping on my penis - Spiny Norman
Jeg elsker dig, Thomas
[sub][sup]Join Team Straight Dope in the fight against cancer![/sup][/sub]

Well, you think you’re so tough, huh?

Holland had an earthquake too today!!

“Huh?”, you say, “Holland doesn’t get earthquakes, right?”

Well, yeah, apart from the rather serious 1992 quake (serious here means “considerable damage to houses and one guy died of a heart attack”). But we had one today!

Near Alkmaar, about 45 clicks north of Amsterdam, a 3.2 quake could be felt around 9 in the morning. Of course, the reason was shifting earth layers because of gas mining. Not everyone lives on a vault, ya know. :wink:

Yeah, that’s in Switzerland.

Or on a fault. Damn nitpickers teasing us foreigners, grumble grumble. :slight_smile:

4.2 usually isn’t much of a big deal. Unless you have some sort of freak accident, I doubt there will be much damage. (Crossing fingers…)

A 4.2. LA had bigger AFTERSHOCKS after Northridge. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are they talking about how it might be a foreshock? I mean, I’m not anywhere near LA anymore, it’s not like I have to worry about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

If I was still in the Bay Area, my entire family would be calling me right now. “Are you ok? You had an earthquake!” We had a 4.4 or something near San Jose while I was living there, and I never felt a thing. Heehee!