Eating Halls cough drops as candy

That’s exactly what I’m talking about. So, the Brazilians got it from the Spaniards?

** minor7flat5 ** You again. Why don’t you just move here and be done with it. A friend of mine from Spain said that Americans are weird because they think Halls is medicine. When everyone * knows * its candy! I happen to have a package of the blue ones right here with me, and am sucking on one as we speak. And you are right Brazilians think Halls is a candy.

I a;ways preffed the smith Brothers soft cough drops. I had my mother scour most of Long Island once looking for them.

A lot of people at my high school would eat tunes (cherry flavoured throat sweets) as candy and also lockets (honey and eucolyptus flavour).
Myself and my friends would often eat victory v’s or fishermans friends for fun.

I suppose part is the excitement was that most cough/throat drop products say “don’t exceed stated dose of two packets a day” (or whatever) so eating lots was living on the edge.

We were 14…

Last year, when I had a sore throat, I picked up a box of cough sweets on the way to work. Not medicine by any stretch of the imagination, but just menthol/eucalyptus-flavoured things that looked like licorice.

I was munching them down fast. At first because they worked, and then because they tasted so damn good.

It was… interesting. How was I to know that an overdose of those damn things works as a laxative??

** Coldfire ** wrote…

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Haven’t eaten them for a long time, but I think they really are more of a confectionary than a highly functional medicine. I men, jsut a sugary thing with a bit of menthol and euclalyptus. So some people will like them and some not.

As for fennel, yes - I had a phase of chomping fennel - sort of “deal with oral fixation without smoking” theory.

Other note about eucalyptus, it turns out to be a very stupid thing, hurrying to go out to dinner, to pick up a small bottle of perfume, which of course, turns out to be the similarly sized bottloe of euclayptus oil. VERY hard, nay impossible, to get rid of that smell"! :frowning:

Busy little thread - and so far no Fisherman’s Friend jokes?! Well, well. :slight_smile: