Ed Rollins, Bachmann strategist slams Palin


It’s about time someone said that publicly. Glad it’s a Rep and not a Dem.

I have been saying she is a quitter for years. She is making herself look more and more insignificant.

Wait … Ed Rollins hasn’t been able to find a *serious *candidate to hire him? He needs campaign action so badly that he’ll even go to Mad-Eye Michelle for it?

Bachmann “has done important things with family values”? WTF does that mean?

But Rollins hasn’t always been a Bachmann fan. From here:

So I guess it depends on who is paying him.

Who was paying him when made the first comment?

No, he found Bachmann…nothing serious about her.

Nobody. That’s why he was allowed to be the truth.

Reading between the lines of his comments, I think it’s also possible that he was angling for a job offer from one of the more serious candidates in the race (i.e Romney or Pawlenty).

Rollins is the kind of guy who will say what he thinks a lot of times. He’s a whore, but he’s basically honest about being a whore. This isn’t the first time he’s gone after Palin. I believe he went after Romney in '08 as well (when Rollins was working for Huckabee). I seem to remember something about him saying he wante to punch Romney in the mouth.

I actually think Rollins would probably have some great war stories to tell if you got a couple of scotches in him. He and Carville together would probably be a blast to have a few beers with.

One way to say it is that he’s a whore. Another way to say it is that he’s a mercenary.

Hatin’ on the homos. Duh.


And the Mexican, Muslims, atheists and liberals.

Yeah; I was a bit surprised he hooked up with Bachmann, but then realized it’s probably a stepping stone to getting with a more serious candidate mid-cycle after they fire somebody.

Maybe Newt’ll grab him. I hear he has a few positions open.