Ellen Cherry, question about the jokes in the Dark Knight shooting thread.

First off, thanks to Ellen Cherry. I re-read my post and came off way too brusque and I apologize for that.

Back to the off-topic discussion. What I find interesting is the weight of importance given to the babies. “Yeah, that’s a tragedy that 14 people were shot and killed. WAIT-A BABY WAS SHOT? OMG IT’S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!!!11!!—Oh, the baby’s ok, you say? Bring back the jokes.”

I find this post deliciously ironic.

Yeah? Which part would you say is the most delicious?

If you’re referring to my posts, I honestly have no idea how you got that from what I posted.

The part where you try to turn the tables as if the jokers were the ones overly invested in a sensationalized tragedy.

ETA: Oops. Meant for VT. Multi tasking over here, forgive me.

I listen to Jimmy Norton almost every morning. On a show the Louis CK and Patrice have been on very often. They absolutely make jokes as tragedy is happening. And in the middle of serious discussions of the issue. And I like it. I don’t know how it was handled today.

Ah. Well, glad you enjoyed that.

You just drew an arbitrary line at 9/11.

So the next time some poster posts about his wife being in the hospital fighting for her life, feel free to post jokes about it. Common sense should otherwise answer your question.

You are playing dirty right now. No one has suggested it is ok to make fun of a poster who is posting about his personal tragedy.

No - reasonable people would see that I was speaking in generalities while you are speaking in specifics.

The sweet, sweet innards?

Once again. Common sense should provide the answer to the question you asked.

Common sense keeps most people from becoming unhinged at other people using humor as a coping mechanism. If you don’t share or understand gallows humor, good for you, but that doesn’t give you the right to judge people who do.

National tragedy caused by space exploration (a la Challenger): 24 hours
National tragedy caused by terrorism (a la 9/11): 72 hours*
School shooting (a la Columbine): 12 hours*
Darwin-Award-worthy tomfoolery of national scope: immediate

*If comment is made from a locale at least 750 miles distant from event, or a different time zone, whichever is closer

We need rights now to judge people?

Yes it is. If no one is breaking any rules, she shouldn’t be posting under a “moderator” note.

I didn’t see any jokes in the shootings thread. Just what I thought were a couple of horrible examples of threadshitting. To each his own. Go ahead and crack jokes if that’s your cup of tea. There needn’t be a rule against morbid humor. But don’t take it personally if someone asks, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I don’t think Ellen’s note was out of place at all.

Jesus. If you’re going to be an insensitive asshole and joke about recent tragedy, at least OWN your assholishness. Don’t try to hide behind “I use humor as a coping mechanism”. :rolleyes:

Could be worse, I suppose. Anyone else see the @CelebBoutique tweet? They just deleted it but it was up for about an hour. Looks like an intern will be dusting off their ol’ resume.