Ellen Cherry, question about the jokes in the Dark Knight shooting thread.

I don’t approve of these jokes even if a lot of time passes generally such as Holocaust jokes for example.

Along the same vein, how about we all stop hiding behind Ellen’s apron strings and just fucking pit anyone that deeply offends us, but is still within the rules? Why must we constantly cry to the moderators to do what we are fully capable of doing on our own? If someone says something inappropriate, then just call them on it. If they continue doing so, pit them. If they keep it up, then just ignore them. Holy hell - act like adults!

Now stop that!

I’m not sure where this thread falls in the timeline.

I will now forever think of you exactly like that.

What did it say?

Did you not click on the link? That you quoted?

Yes, and all I got was some jazz about a “Kim K inspired dress” and a further link that didn’t work (for me).

The shooting was in Aurora, Colorado. Notice the name of the dress?

And learned a lesson about allowing Twitter trends to dictate marketing strategy.

Perhaps you don’t understand how Twitter works.

When something is a hot topic on Twitter, there are a list of “Trending Topics” that are listed on the homepage. People use hashtags (#) for a topic so that anyone can easily find all Tweets about that topic. This morning, the hashtag #Aurora was trending, for obvious reasons (I hope).

Some asshat employee at Celeb Boutique saw that #Aurora was trending and made a joke about it being about their new Kim Kardashian item.

I hope, hope, hope, that it was just a dumb intern that didn’t investigate why #Aurora was trending. The “wink” in the tweet makes it seem as if they knew why, but still thought it would be a cute joke to make. I don’t know though.

It’s not that horrifying a joke.

More info on the Celeb Boutique kerfuffle.

No, not horrifying - but also not something you want PR-wise.

I have to admit, for some reason the early jokes did bother me.

4:33AM: Dopers in Aurora CO – Everybody Safe?
4:42AM: I wasn’t prepared for that. (the very next post)

I think it was because it came right after a post asking if people from this board were safe, which sort of added a personal element.

However, since 2 threads were merged it may be that these 2 posts came from different threads. If you read it that way it makes a difference.

I see. Thank you.

Nzinga, I respect you as a poster here… I like yer style, as a feller says. And I loves me some gallows humor, to a fault.

But there’s something about the human condition, that when a fluke act of horror due to absolute, premeditated malevolence, that it demonstrates very real, but vague, stages of emotional digestion you go through despite how removed you may be from the events.

I think the “too soon” mentality is mostly due to the initial shock phase of public awareness (YMMV). Despite horrendous things happening all over the earth, every day, these kinds of events remind us how fucked up things can really get, and it’s a check against our cynicism and empathy.

Now, even more than a decade since 9/11 or even the Columbine shootings, a certain level of jokes just aren’t funny. I think it’s not so much that it’s “too soon,” as that it’s “too close,” especially when it goes down at a public place we can all relate to.

Anyhow, we can always joke about the Titanic or the Hindenberg. That shit was hilarious.

And to be perfectly forthcoming, when my wife hit me with the news, the first thing out of my mouth was, “Did they at least get to see the whole movie?”

Now, that’s horribly insensitive out of context, but because my wife knows me, and knows I’m saying that because I’m a huge movie buff, and if I was at the midnight screening of a highly anticipated movie I’ve been excitedly waiting a few years to see, that I’d be totally bummed to be shot and killed, myself, before it even began. It wasn’t a joke so much as it was a “here’s how I relate” to such a thing in a superficial, petty way.

I think this piece is more commentary than humor.

And thanks for explaining how Twitter works, Bob Ducca; until your post, I was totally confused about the Aurora Trending bizness and why many were aghast.

I think a talking duck learned a hard lesson about what is to quick to joke and what isn’t.