Emergency! My meringue unstiffens...

Need help ASAP! Need pie 7 pm CST!

I got two recipes off of youtube for meringue.

Number one, adding some mixture of sugar, cornstarch and water, turned my frothed up eggs into a liquid pancake mix texture type of slop. Also, turned sort of pinkish-light brown.

So, I went with just eggs and sugar.

I frothed up 4 egg whites, and they were fairly stiff. I added 1 cup of sugar, semi-slowly, while still beating. By the time I was through adding the sugar, the meringue turned into the same kind of slurry pancake like mix (when it’s liquified) textured stuff. Also, turned sort of pinkish-light brown.
What am I doing wrong?

ETA: I continued beating for at least 5 minutes after each attempt, w/no change. I believe on the second time, I beat for around 5-10 minutes.


I usually add 1tsp of cream of tartar after beating the eggs and before adding the sugar but even without it I’ve never had them collapse and turn colour.

Did you leave any yolk in there? Also were the eggs warm? (not that I think these caused your issue but they might help)

How long are you beating for? You gotta do it high (high setting on mixer) and fast. You want to whip it full of air but don’t go too far, as you start breaking down the bonds that are creating the bubbles in which the air is held.

How’s the humidity where you are? Also, are your beaters and your bowl all scrupulously clean? Also, what was said about the yolk. Can’t be a speck of it in there.

Meringues are difficult.

No yolk, I don’t think, because I used store bought egg whites.

I think everything is sparkling clean. Can’t tell about the humidity. Cold outside, warm inside.
I’ll give that cream of Tartar junk a try!

Thanks for all your input, and I’ll get back with you!

Do you fully mix in the cream of T before adding the sugar, or just add it before mixing?

You’re either beating too long or adding in the sugar too quickly. You want to get the eggs to a soft-peak stage, then start adding the sugar one big spoonful at a time. When it gets to hard-peak, stop beating. If you beat too long, especially with the sugar in the mix, it’ll start getting watery. That sounds like what’s happening.

Pretty much, once it’s hard, you need to stop beating. (hehe)

Seconding the bowl being very clean, any grease/fat will flop the mixture. And also, yes, you don’t want to beat too far.

I use half icing sugar, half normal sugar. For some reason that’s easier, I find. A teaspoon of cornstarch does help, as does a teaspoon of white vinegar. The amounts must be very precise. Start with mixing the regular sugar and egg whites, then add all the others stuff (incl. any things you want to add, eg vanilla).

Keep going, once you’ve got it it’s actually a really easy, quick and pretty thing to make!

You minx!:wink:

I am curious if adding the sugar too quickly was my problem. I had added the mixture in the first one when fairly stiff (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) and a bit earlier in the second mixture, but, IIRC, the sugar was added at about the same rate.
I mean, a cup of sugar one TBS at a time? That seems to be forever. I’ll do it, tho!
Thanks for the input.

OUCH! You all are killing me!
Now, I understand that you are saying to add the sugar WITH the eggwhites. Isn’t that the same as adding the sugar too quickly? :confused::confused:
My brain is hurting. Can you clarify?


You said you’re using store-bought egg whites. Are they really egg whites, or are they egg substitute? If it’s egg substitute, I’d try again with real eggs.

The box says 100% liquid egg whites. (Of course, that could mean the same as 'Contains REAL orange juice".)

Old eggs won’t whip as well as fresh eggs. If the white clings to the yolk, it will whip nicely.

OK, update.
When I got the semi-stiff peak, I added the sugar 1 Tbs at a time. When it started to look thinner, I would stop adding and whip it up till it started to peak again.
I used about 3/4 of a cup instead of 1 c. since I was scared. It tasted pretty sweet, so I panicked and pulled the mixer out.
I got it to hold a peak. Not really stiff, but not really limp either. I tilted the bowl it was in and it didn’t move, but, when I put it onto the pie, it didn’t stay totally in place, but it did for the most part. I just stuck that rascal in the oven.
Will bring it out (or look at it) in about 5 minutes.
Wish me luck!

Tilted the bowl? You should be able to hold the bowl upside down above your head.

Are you kidding? I Awas too scared to even watch it while I was mixing it, and what I did see was a vision of a sudden meringue collapse!
All I could think was “Don’t over whisk. Don’t under whisk! Slowly! Quickly! No fat! Cornstarch! Kill self when over! Don’t collapse, please!”
My heart can only take so much.

It looks perfect! Nice light brown toning highlight(or, whatever it’s called!).
(Don’t care how it tastes. Just have to have something for tonight!)

yea! glad it turned out. I was going to tell you you weren’t adding the sugar soon enough. I start adding the sugar even before soft peaks. A nice slow, continuous stream of sugar into the mixer as it mixes works for me quite well. All of it will be added by the time it reaches stiff peaks. Of course, your recipe has a lot of sugar in it. Most of the ones I use call for about 6 T or so of sugar.

Well, I was wondering!
Each time I looked at the cup of sugar, I thought that this is huge!
Also, when I tested the mix when I was about a quarter of the way through, I thought that that was good enough.

Thanks for your input!

Sorry! Mine work absolutely fine when I add the regular sugar (half the total amount) from the start. I add all the rest later. But I agree it might well be easier to slowly add the sugar as you beat.

I would still recommend half icing sugar/half sugar, a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of maizena.

ETA: ha, just read the rest and see that you’ve done it!! YAY! :smiley: Any ideas as to what finally did it?