Eminem threatens Bush -- sort of.

I realize that it’s the responsibility of the Secret Service to investigate credible threats against the President. But Eminem?

Okay, to be fair, the SS don’t appear to be overly worried about Eminem actually assassinating the President, but this is still silly.

I wonder if they investigated The Offspring for their song, Kill the President?

It’s obviously a government conspiracy aimed at boosting sales of his next CD just before it is about to be released by providing free publicity designed to drum-up sympathetic support from consumers who otherwise wouldn’t have heard or cared about the new CD!


I meant to say “It’s obviously a government conspiracy aimed at hurting sales of his next CD just before it is about to be released!”

I wonder if that Tarrantino movie caused the S.S. any worries…

Now I’m confused. Did Michael Jackson threaten Schwartzenegger at some point?

Whoa, Eminem has a new album coming out?

Like the Dixie Chicks and Toby Keith trying to be “political” wasn’t bad enough. I’m surprised Eminem even knows who the president is. Didn’t some rapper like NORIEGA write a rap with a sketch about doing a hit or drive-by on Bush 41 or Clinton years ago? So Em isn’t even original doing about saying something stupid. Go back to bitching about your mom.

He doesn’t rap for dead presidents? Let’s all remember that the next time he bitches about his music being downloaded for free.

Of course, you know that the major recording companies own the bootleg production companies, right? It’s just good business sense, after all.

Proof that the Prez is an Eminem fan.

What widdershins said.

Yeah, what widdershins said.

Stop fucking expressing your opinion in your art. Who the fuck cares whether you love your country or disagree with the administration? Shut the fuck up about important things and go back to singing about sex!

Oh wait. That’s stupid. Never mind.

I’d rather see the president dead
How is that a threat? Sure, it might not sit well with people, but it’s not a threat. That line is completely different than, “I’m going to kill the *********.”

OK, ParentalAdvisory, I gotta ask. Was that for the benefit of the mods or for ECHELON?

That’s just the secret service doing their job. They investigate every threat that’s brought to their attention, no matter how oblique or how well-known the person issuing the “threat” is. A few years ago, they investigated Jesse Helms (I think… one of the arch conservative senators) because he said that Clinton’s life wouldn’t be safe if he visited a military base.

They even investigated fat chicks in party hats:

Or Queensryche for their song Spreading the Disease, where Geoff Tate sings “Educate the masses, we’ll burn the White House down.”

I think you’re all missing a very important point.

From cnn.com:

You’re all so quick to assume that he’s talking about the president of the United States, but did it ever even occur to you that he could just as well be talking about the president of a company, or of some other country or institution?

Jeez, guys. Get with the program.

Yeah what Biggirl said

“So, if you go to Washington, its buildings clean and nice, bring a pack of matches, and we’ll burn the White House twice!” -Three Dead Trolls In A Baggie

Makes the maple syrup in my veins warmly flow.

It’s not like Eminem doesn’t have a history of gun violence