Empty Nest

He was the one I took to see Roger Rabbit…the one that I bought a “My Pet Monster” toy for. sigh The one that was afraid to go to sleep by himself. Snif My little buddy for 18 straight years is making arrangements to go off to college. I don’t know how I will deal with it.

And that’s not even mentioning the money it will cost. And you KNOW he will stay drunk the first semester and probably get speeding tickets coming home or going back to school.

I just hope he doesn’t knock anyone up…at least not until he can get some semblance of an education. I know the guy he is asking to room with too…the little bastard is a drunken partier of famous proportions here in his hometown.
And who the hell is gonna wake my little buddy… err…well he is 6 ft now… up for class??? And he doesn’t have a clue as to what he wants to be or do for a living four years from now either
He will probably come home on the weekends to wash his clothes ( or have his mother do it for him) then slack off and then just come home for holidays. Then never again. :frowning:

I hope he doesn’t meet and marry a girl that will hate me know matter how much karo syrup I put on her pancakes. I bet she won’t even let me even see the grandbabies…the bitch…
Geezz I gotta get a grip…

Anymore SD’ers out there wanna give me a few positives for this situation?

Be glad you had a nest, I never had a chance to make one.

Relax. My wife and I were worried, too. For nothing.

My son is in his third year, and everything’s fine. He comes home to mooch money and get the laundry done, then he goes back. And two weeks later, we start over again.

The important thing is not to crowd him. For the first time in his life, he’ll be on his own, and trust me, he’ll revel in it. But soon, things will set into a routine and you’ll wonder why you were so anxious.

He’ll look upon this time as the best years of his life. All you have to do is what you’ve always done.

Give him your love and understanding.

Voted as the poster you’d most like to meet.

Please don’t tell me why.

WallyM7…you da man. Very helpful words Thanks. :slight_smile:

aha, speaking as one who has flown the coop.

It’s not that easy to get laid at collge. Or at least, if it is, then I’ve been going to the wrong parties.

Yeah, college is fun, but for the most part we do remember home. My roommate, for example, plastered the walls with stuff from home. Both walls.

I call my parents occasionally.

“Mom, I outgrew my belt”

“Mom, I need an eye appointment, I can’t see any more”

“Mom, someone stepped on my retainer”

“Mom, I need money”

“Mom, stop calling me on Saturday morning, I can’t pick up the phone. Even if someone hands me the phone I won’t be coherent.”

“Mom, I got four piercings! Just kidding, I only got a tattoo”

Um, ignore that last. :wink: Don’t worry about it so much. He’ll be fine.

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

You will adopt a stray female cat who will have a litter of three kittens. You will keep the kittens and send the mommy to the pound because she doesn’t like people. You will then treat the three new cats better than you did your son.

Well, at least that’s that MY mom did.

“If we submit everything to reason, our religion will have no mysterious or supernatural element. If we offend the principles of reason, our religion will be absurd and ridiculous.” Blaise Pascal