End of the World Imminent

I’m waiting…

Ah, Shit, Another promise gone all ta hell…

WHEN will I learn…

::looks at watch::

Your source ain’t impeccable enough.

<—It’s past time.

Either my watch is fast or…

Where’s the damn Nyquil?

Heck, I got the word late, and didn’t even get to see it. What was it like?

Dammit, I wasn’t paying attention!

Both my kids went to bed without giving me any hassle.

That frightens me greatly. :eek:

Euty, Your sources can now be considered peccable.


Well, I, for one am relieved. After all, now I get to go on living, and…


[sub]and go to school tomorrow, and take a test.[/sub]

Thanks a bunch, Euty. :frowning:

heh… I woulda died while watching “Road Trip”

There is a special place in Heaven for Dopers.

Mnementh begins putting back three beers at a time, stopping only occasionally to breathe

What do you mean the world’s not really gonna end? The set time is gone already? No apocalypse?

Mnementh begins putting back FOUR beers at a time, stopping only occasionally to breathe…

Curses! Foiled again!

:: goes back to studying and muttering about men and false hopes ::

The world didn’t end, and Duke DID win. If I were not the educated and sophisticated gentleman I am, I might say “neener, neener, neener”, but I won’t, and it was just Monmouth.

Well, damn. Does that mean the offer isn’t good anymore, Froggy?

Hey Euty, maybe your sources forgot to make the conversion to metric.

[sub]Hey, it worked for NASA and the Mars Lander…[/sub]

One of these days someone is going to get the time right and damn, will we ever be surprised when we can’t make any more posts.

Well, this is what the after-life is like. . . It’s not exactly what I expected.

It looks like the Bible got some of the details wrong.

This after-life is not exactly the way Dante or Jack Chick described it either.

In case you missed it.

The world did in fact end at 9:00 last night.

However a new world was immediately created to take it’s place.

You now live in a new world.

Don’t screw it up.

Don’t screw it up?! Dammit, if they’re gonna create a whole new world, the LEAST they could have done is give me a better freakin’ job. sigh

Oh, so now you’re going to tell us mice created it, right?
Well, I won’t believe that for a second!

Then again, maybe I will. Yeah, dammit, I probably would.
sighs, waiting for next Harbinger of Doom to appear