I’ve just watched 15 minutes so far, but I thought I’d take the chance to start the thread on it.
Nothing much has happened, except that they actually talked to some Tellarites. Sure, it was full of static and audio only, but it’s a Good Continuity Point.
One more thing: It’s sort of cool that the ship and Reed are still damaged from Mine Field, though the repair station is really just a visible version of the reset button.
I seemed to remember liking it. They kind of got ideas for replicators and Holo stuff from that space Maaco.
Look for the thread that Wearia or Carniverousplant started. And hang on! Everyone should be showing up as soon as they see an Enterprise thread is back up on the boards. Might take a while, tho.
I’m suggesting incorporating the previous thread’s discussion only because this was a repeat. I’ll stay in this thread, I just need to refresh my memory.
Sorry. I hadn’t seen this one, and thought it must be new. I should know better than to post Trek stuff of any kind without exhaustive research beforehand.
Are we that predicable NoClueBoy?
Weirdest part is yesterday I was considering starting an Enterprise thread (Enterprise: Planet of the Hoshi’s or Enterprise Planet of the Nudest Hoshi’s) just to get the old gang back together. Cause man, did we ever have some good times…
So what do you think the koala will be doing next episode?
geez, start all the fun without me. i’ll be back full time on the 7th, until them i’m still sporatic. At least i don’t have to go to work (and i’m getting paid for it! Hooray!!)
Yeah, they need to whack somebody with it to show that it is still unsave.
That’s the problem with this show, not enough Red Shirts Getting Whacked. Hell, in the first five minutes Kirk would say " Spock, Bones, you’re with me. You in the red shirt, go behind that big rock."
Maybe Hoshi could get a pimple going through it or something.
Not snoring because last night’s Revenge of the Reruns was so boring, just 'cause I’m sleepy. Made the mistake of taking a nap yesterday afternoon, and couldn’t get back to sleep until the Wee Hours ™. So now I’m pretty tuckered out (Heh. Tuckered out. Pun not intended, but you can pretend it was).
Wow, now I’m TOTALLY off topic. Sorry about that.
I would make some effort to get back ON topic, but I didn’t watch more than a few minutes last nighht, and don’t remember what happened. Except that Travis was corpsified. Not much different from his usual morbid silence. As I recall, it was one of the less green-eye-rolling-smiley-eriffic episodes of this season. Hooray!
Back to the grind. I’ll write more when I have something coherent and/or appropriate to say.
Damn, Kn*ckers! Everytime I hear you talk, it gets me hot.
The brain power computer core was an interesting subject. If there were 30 brains in there, wired parralel, what kind of processing power would that be? No wonder the station was self-sufficient, no?
Anybody got the required info and skill to figure out the computer’s power? 'Cause I don’t.
I guess it would depend on whose brain it was…Consider thirty brains like unto a certain four armed green individual…
“Do you want fires with that warp core?”
“Pay inside or at the anti-matter manifold?”
“Change? You want change?”
This episode would have been better if the station had kidnapped Porthos instead of the navigator. The captain would then have sobbed inconsolably for the last half of the show while the rest of the crew wondered why the station was now licking itself.