Enterprise Spoilers-Strom Front

Isn’t there some Neo Nazi publication named Storm Front?

It didn’t suck as much as I thought.
I mean, Enterprise. Neo Nazis suck.
Not Cogenitor, but not Spock’s Brain.
Hey, Archer is still alive. It’s got time travel and Nazis.
We knew it was going to fellate.
The question was, with how much alacrity?

But it’s got P-51s and some action.
We have a Black woman Mrs. Plant ripped of from Firefly’s Zoe.
On the other hand, we have a double action .45 Colt 1911A,
Must be the firearms guy who got fired after telling the Firefly folks guns need air to fire.

But I digress.

Some bad guys from the “Cold Temporal War” escape back to WWII and help the Germans invade New York moronically disregarding Richard Blaine.
The battle line is interestingly enough in the East along the borders of the CSA.
And I think they spelled “Arkansas” wrong. Assholes.
These time challenged uglies need a “Time Corridor” a.k.a. “Let’s rip off Time Tunnel” to return to their own time.
Daniels returns to Enterprise as a centenarian from somewhere…Ricks? Everyone goes to Rick’s…and warns that if the head ugly can be prevented from building the Time Tunnel ™, er, Corridor, time will change back to the way it’s supposed to be.
Say what? If the Delorean Challenged Uglies (DCUs) stay the same, things will change?
This is some kind of Bermanism, right?

Silik the Suliban guy, hidden aboard Enterprise unbeknownst to Our Heroes, makes himself beknownst to Trip and gets the snot beaten out of him. Just as Trip is about to kill him, he turns all squishy and stuns Trip. He swipes a shuttlecraft. T’Pol has the sense to shoot at it. Did I mention there’s lots of shooting and not much hitting except of Nazis in this episode?

Trip and Travis get caught destroying the damaged shuttle pod on the surface.
Now the natives don’t have a shuttlecraft, they have some phasers and communicators and a couple of 22nd century guys to talk to.

And do they blow up the dogs, too? Blowing up Nazis is good, but blowing up dogs is bad.

Archer acquires a DCU communicator and calls Enterprise.
T’Pol is pissed. You can read from her facial expression, “Oh great. Now we all go down one grade in rank.”

Remember those guys on TV who will help you consolidate your credit?
They were consolidating credit and breaking kneecaps in 1941. Now they are the underground. They have the good sense to kill the DCU Archer took the communicator from.

A shot of the Time Tun…Corridor and “To Be Continued”.

Okay, uh–I am so out of the loop–is this episode showing now? I had no clue. I feel so ashamed for not knowing. When do repeats show?

Strom front? So not only do we have alien Nazis, we have zombie politicians too? What won’t Berman and Braga stoop to to get extra ratings?

(It shows tomorrow at 8:00 on UPN, yosemite)

Crewman Daniels sends me CDs.

Phew! Thank you, Aesiron. I knew it was coming on eventually, but I just hadn’t kept track. I figured that my sister (who keeps closer track of these things) would alert me, and she hasn’t said anything.

What kind of CDs? Trance? Prog rock? Andorian Blues? Klingon Opera? Trip hop?

Hell, I dunno.
I leave some crackers and a bowl of milk on the porch every Wednesday night, and Crewman Daniels leaves these CD/DVD thingies with Episodes From The Future under the stoop.

Which I pointed out over the Summer when all the preview spoilers were being posted. :stuck_out_tongue:
Why is blowing up dogs inherently bad?

Because when cats scratch at them they pop. What good are they then?

Damn UPN changed the time they had scheduled Enterprise to air at from 9 PM to 8 PM, thus making me have to choose between “Enterprise” and “Joan of Arcadia.” Now, I don’t have TiVO and while I do have more than one tv in my house, I can’t convince the rest of my family to let me tape both of those shows on our two tvs that we have cable on! So … what I need help with is to figure out when (hopefully!) my local UPN (UPN WDCA in DC) is going to re-run the weekly Enterprise episode. They always have, in the past (well, usually have, I mean), and usually on Saturday night at 8 pm; however, I haven’t been able to find a schedule yet. Can anyone help with this, please?!

Sorry for the slight hijack, and I am looking forward to seeing Silik (John Fleck) again. (GRIN - Gecko from Carnivale.)

Nazis control Washington? Hitler in the White House? Cummon, this is science fiction. Show us things different from real life!

(Hey, someone had to say it, and it might as well be a Bushie :wink: )

You’re, what? Seventeen? Eighteen? I’m not sure whether I should laugh or cry.

Here you go!
Local listing for the DC area

Well, thanks to this thread, I am watching (and taping) Storm Front, right now (opening credits showing). What would I do without the Dope, to remind me of these things?

Kickback from Berman…
Kickback from…

What kind of videotade you using, 'mite?

Fujifilm, it says on the box.

Well, so far we’ve seen Archer without his shirt on. That’s not too hard on the eyes. (Say what you will about him, he looks good without his shirt . . . )

Thanks, guy.

Some say he looks good in dresses.
He and his psychiatrist refer to cross dressing as “leaping”.


<hijack> You know, I had a chance to see Bakula shoot those scenes. One of my friends called me and said that they were shooting Quantum Leap somewhere downtown (or in Santa Monica–somewhere like that–don’t remember) and that Bakula was wearing a Carmen Miranda outfit. She wanted me to join her and watch them shooting. I said, “Eh. Too lazy, don’t want to drive there and find parking.”

I dunno. I sort of wish I had gone, but then again, I am so lazy and rush hour traffic is pretty sucky. </hijack>

Oops! It’s back on from commercial. Gotta get back to watching!

Aes, here is something to boggle your mind beyond the temporal war…

I did indeed tape the ep. for you, but I had to swipe one of my friend’s blank tapes because I had left yours in my bag which I took to work and then took home, forgetting that the tape was in it, and then I went back to her condo to feed the dog and do stuff before ENT came on.

I have another tape completed for you which has the newest Joan ep. at the end, but I need time to watch it on sat. before I mail it, because I left it in my VCR at home.

And the other tape is an 8 hr. tape, which means I need to fill it with seven more hours’ worth of stuff before I send it.

I still need to make my own tape plus my brother’s tape, so I hope they rerun it Sunday and then I can manage both VCRs.

And then I have to buy my friend another tape!

I also made off with one of her pens because I thought it was mine.

Dammit to hell, I need a vacation.

Oh, the show…Hey, it didn’t suck. Manny Coto writes some darn good dialogue, we got to see Porthos, chicken livers and cheese, Trip’s leather jacket, and my only big complaint is that we were cheated again regarding Chef’s face.

Aes, it gets worse…I just found out that the tape I had in tonight for Joan was also a new tape. So we’re talking three tapes here. Boy, am I gonna be busy filling them up. But at least you’ll get more than one in the package when it arrives.

Hey, everything is in flux.

So’s my brain.